Alternative Dispute Resolution in the NRC's Equal Employment Opportunity Program

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) offers alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to NRC employees (current and former) and applicants for employment, as a means of resolving complaints related to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). As such, the ADR program supplements (rather than replacing) the NRC's Employment Discrimination Complaint Process. In this context, employees may request ADR during the pre-complaint stage and/or the formal complaint stage of the discrimination complaint process. The NRC primarily uses mediation as a form of dispute resolution; mediation is facilitated by external neutral parties. Please refer to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Program Manual, dated October 25, 2019 for more details on the ADR process.

Any matter that falls within the scope of the EEO complaint process may be raised in a formal EEO complaint or through the negotiated grievance procedure, but not both. Employees whose claims fall outside the scope of the EEO complaint process (i.e., claims that may not be brought before the EEOC) may nonetheless raise such matters, if otherwise grievable, through the negotiated grievance procedure (CBA Article 46, Grievance Procedures). See also 29 CFR 1614, Subpart C.

The NRC's ADR Program is administered by the agency's Office of Small Business and Civil Rights (SBCR), with Rhonda C. Dorsey serving as ADR Coordinator.

For more information regarding the NRC's ADR program, see the Discrimination Complaint Process Pamphlet and the following topics:

Questions regarding ADR in the agency's EEO Program should be directed to Rhonda C. Dorsey, ADR Coordinator, (301-415-2254, TDD/301-415-5244) or Stephen Smith, Program Manager, Civil Rights Program (301-415- 0192, TDD/301-415-5244), in the NRC's Office of Small Business and Civil Rights (SBCR), or by email to EEO Programs.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, June 7, 2023