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Pre-Award Review
Federal agencies that issue financial assistance are responsible for ensuring that grant awards are only made to entities that adhere to the substantives antidiscrimination mandates of Title VI and other nondiscrimination laws. These agencies are legislatively mandated to conduct Pre-award reviews (desk/on-site audits) to identify "red flags" or issues of concern prior to grant award. In addition to submitting a Standard Form 424B Assurance that the entity will comply with NRC and Federal regulations, prospective NRC recipients are required to complete NRC Standard Form 781. The Civil Rights program analyzes the information/data and makes a written determination as to whether an applicant applying for NRC Federal financial assistance (or existing recipient) is in compliance with applicable regulations, which is submitted to NRC's Acquisitions Management Division during the grants awards process.
Post-Award Compliance Review
Federal granting agencies are required to conduct an effective post-award compliance review program to ensure their recipients comply with applicable Federal Statutes, Regulations, and Policies such as those listed under the "Civil Rights Compliance Requirements Imposed as a Condition of Award of NRC Federal Financial Assistance" provided in Section 6 of each of the agency's Federal Funding Opportunity Announcements. (e.g., annual Equal Opportunity (EO) compliance report). More information regarding NRC's Post-Award process can be found under the "Civil Rights Compliance Requirements Imposed as a Condition of Award of NRC Federal Financial Assistance" provided in Section 6 of each of the agency's Federal Funding Opportunity Announcements.
For questions or comments about the NRC’s Civil Rights programs, please Contact Us.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, May 01, 2023