10 CFR 50.55a Owner's Activity Reports

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Nuclear Reactors COVID-19 Activities:
10 CFR Part 20 | 10 CFR Part 26 | 10 CFR 50.48 | 10 CFR 50.55a Codes & Standards | Owner's Activity Reports | 10 CFR Part 55 | 10 CFR Part 73 | Research & Test Reactors | Resident Inspectors | Approved Licensing Requests

image of 10 CFR 50 Owners Activity Reports with piece of paper on a table

10 CFR 50.55a Owner's Activity Reports

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  • The NRC's regulations [10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(xxxii)] give U.S. nuclear power plants 90 days after a refueling outage to submit an "Owner's Activity Report" (OAR-1) described in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI.

  • This is an administrative reporting requirement for items from the in-service inspection that require evaluation and repair and replacement items that occurred during the refueling outage needed for continued service.

  • The NRC staff will consider deferrals of Form OAR-1 for up to 90 days after the COVID-19 public health emergency is ended, but in no case later than the beginning of the subsequent refueling outage, provided that alternate record retention procedures are in place during the period of deferral.

  • For approved COVID-19 licensing requests, please see Approved COVID-19 Licensing Actions webpage.

Related Communication

  • On November 10, 2020, the NRC issued a letter to provide guidance on the continued use of expedited processes beyond December 31, 2020 for COVID-19 related requests in seven topical areas. Enclosures to the letter address informational needs for each of the seven topical areas to facilitate the continued licensee’s use of the NRC's expedited review process, such as providing justifications for the hardships that have resulted from the COVID-19 PHE and information related to the potential cumulative effects of these exemptions.

  • The NRC issued a letter on April 9, 2020, with requirements for an expedited review of deferral requests consistent with 10 CFR 50.55a(z)(2) due to the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Frequently Asked Questions – 10 CFR 50.55a Owner's Activity Reports

1. The letters imply that the staff will only consider deferral of Form OAR-1.  Can licensees also request deferral of the ISI summary report?
Licensees are currently required to prepare and submit either the ISI summary report or Form OAR-1 to the NRC within 90 days of the completion of each refueling outage.  Licensees may request deferral of either the ISI summary report, Form OAR-1, or both.  The letter was not intended to limit the option under the rule to submit either an ISI summary report or Form OAR-1.
2.  Which Editions and Addenda of the ASME Code, Section XI, are eligible for the expedited process described in the letters?
Licensees may request deferral of either the ISI summary report, Form OAR-1, or both for any Edition or Addenda of the ASME Code, Section XI, currently applicable to the facility.  The application should identify the currently applicable Edition or Addenda of the ASME Code, Section XI, for the reports in its application. 
3.  Where are the requirements to submit Form OAR‑1? 
They are in ASME Code Case N‑532‑5.  Licensees have the option to use ASME Code Case N-532-5 in lieu of the requirements in the ASME Code, Section XI, associated with the ISI Summary report and the forms in Mandatory Appendix II.
4.  What does 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(xxxii) require? 
Paragraph (b)(2)(xxxii) of 10 CFR 50.55a states, in part, that when using the 2010 or later editions and addenda of the ASME Code, Section XI, the ISI summary reports shall be submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) within 90 days of the completion of each refueling outage.  As described in previous questions, licensees have multiple options of how to comply with this requirement

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, December 15, 2020