Enforcement Specialist

Enforcement Specialists with NRC are responsible for the administration and coordination of Regional enforcement activities for NRC-licensed facilities, materials and activities. They function as both coordinator and Subject Matter Expert of the Enforcement Process, as they pursue the fundamental mission of NRC of ensuring that people and the environment are protected. The accuracy and thoroughness of their work is critical to the credibility and ultimate success of the NRC enforcement and allegations programs.
  • Enforcement Specialists provide technical and administrative review and evaluation to assure accuracy and completeness of findings and appropriateness of recommended resolution of issues.
  • They help determine if the level of enforcement action is consistent with policy and precedent.
  • Their work results in technically correct determinations of responsibility and the ultimate disposition of cases in accordance with agency enforcement policy and law.
A female enforcement specialist, wearing a white hardhat and holding a clip board looking towards the worker next to her - a man with a blue hardhat and pointing at somethiing on the clip board.

Quote from current or former employee in this position:

“You see and get an understanding of so many different processes
and talk to so many different people at all levels from
the inspectors on the ground to leadership.
You interface with them and see them in action.” 

  • ​Incumbents are skilled analysts and technical evaluators
  • Understanding of the full range of duties and responsibilities within NRC-licensed facilities
  • Scientific and engineering knowledge is necessary to evaluate reports of investigations and allegations that impact safe operating
  • Highly refined communication skills are necessary as they responsible for both complex technical written reports and comprehensive oral presentations
  • Effective listeners, willing to understand different viewpoints that often come into play, given the ultimate consequences of enforcement action
  • A broad knowledge base that crosses multiple offices within the NRC organizational structure
  • Proactive seekers of information needed to support their recommendations
  • Appreciation and understanding of the rule of law and the role that evidentiary information plays in hearings and other administrative or legal proceedings
  • Strong understanding of the regulations that spell out enforcement provisions of NRC policy
  • Ability to consider and evaluate inspection and investigation reports from multiple stakeholder perspectives

Enforcement Specialists range in grade from GG-9-15, depending upon the level of duties and responsibilities.

  • ​Administers and coordinates Regional enforcement activities and policies, and helps with the coordination and disposition of allegations as they relate to NRC-licensed facilities, materials and activities
  • Performs independent evaluations of proposed enforcement actions
  • Assesses all related information, facts and circumstances and makes recommendations on actions based on law, regulations and established guidelines
  • Works with the Office of Enforcement and other Headquarters staff to resolve all issues relating to Regional enforcement decisions
  • Senior HQ Enforcement Specialists review and evaluate regional enforcement actions; they standardize appraisals so that Regional implementation is uniform in terms of timeliness and effectiveness
  • Advises agency management
  • Performs regulatory and technical reviews of enforcement activities and reports
  • Analyzes facts and evaluates proposed enforcement actions
  • Prepares studies and reports
  • Presents problem-solving options
  • Provides guidance to technical staff regarding implementation of the enforcement program
  • Coordinates input and collaborates with internal and external stakeholders
  • Maintains systems for controlling and following up on enforcement actions
  • Coordinates actions with the Office of Enforcement and the Office of General Counsel to obtain concurrences and advise regional management of enforcement actions

  • ​Headquarters—Offices/Divisions, Rockville, MD
  • Regions—King of Prussia, PA; Atlanta, GA; Lisle, IL; Arlington, TX

  • ​Strong mediation skills to effectively serve as an interlocutor between internal teams and licensees
  • Advanced planning ability to coordinate complex actions
  • Research ability
  • Analytical and evaluative abilities
  • Organizational ability
  • Attention to detail
  • Ability to self-manage
  • Ability to be fair and impartial
  • Ability to establish and maintain amicable working relationships
  • Effective listening ability
  • Oral and written communication skills to present informational and technical material
  • Skill in planning for and conducting interviews
  • Interpersonal skill at all levels
  • Knowledge of scientific and technical applications of radioactive materials
  • Knowledge of inspection techniques
  • Knowledge of the operation of NRC-licensed facilities
  • Knowledge of agency policies, rules and regulations relative to enforcement activities
  • Knowledge of the principles, practices and applications of nuclear engineering, physical sciences and biology to conduct inspections and evaluate enforcement action implementation

Route to or from the Enforcement Specialist position:
  • Allegations and Enforcement Assistant
  • Resident or Reactor Inspector
  • Nuclear Systems Engineer/Scientist GG-13 (HOO/HERO)
  • Health Physicist
  • Reactor Systems Engineer
  • Reactor Systems Scientist 
This role offers a pathway to greater impact and advancement. This is a great position to advance into a management role because it offers a large scale view and understanding of how all the different mission-critical pieces within the regions work together.
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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, October 21, 2024