Nuclear Regulator Apprenticeship Network Pay

Estimated Four Year Salary Progression for ENGINEER/SCIENTIST

Career salary progression for an Engineer or Scientist coming straight out of school with a bachelors degree with one of the following: 1) an overall Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.95 on a 4.0 scale (GPA may not be rounded up to reach 2.95) or at least 3.5 in the major (GPA may not be rounded up to reach 3.5); or 2) standing in the upper third of student's class; or 3) election to membership in one of the national honorary scholastic societies; or 4) other significant scholastic/academic achievements.

Present At 1 Year At 2 Years At 3 Years At 4 Years
GG-7 GG-9 GG-11 GG-12 GG-13
$73,423 $77,348 $82,693 $94,199 $112,015

Career salary progression for an Engineer or Scientist coming straight out of school with a masters degree and no prior experience.

Present At 1 Year At 2 Years At 3 Years At 4 Years*
GG-9 GG-11 GG-12 GG-13 GG-13
$79,144 $84,873 $94,199 $112,015 $115,749

Career salary progression for an Engineer or Scientist coming straight out of school with a doctoral degree and no prior experience.

Present At 1 Year At 2 Years At 3 Years* At 4 Years*
GG-11 GG-12 GG-13 GG-13 GG-13
$89,233 $94,199 $112,015 $115,749 $119,482

NOTE: Promotions are not guaranteed and are dependent upon satisfactory performance in the position. Projected salaries are based on service in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, with Career Ladder promotion to the GG-13 grade level, including step increases as warranted. Salaries DO NOT include a cost of living allowance each year. Projections are made based on current information as of January 1, 2023.

*Eligible to compete for GG-14 positions.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, January 05, 2023