Melanie A. Galloway

Melanie A. Galloway, Assistant for Operations (AO)

Melanie Galloway is the Assistant for Operations responsible for assisting the Executive Director for Operations (EDO) and Deputy EDOs in the overall planning, management, control, and coordination of the operational and administrative activities of the agency. This responsibility includes providing the day-to-day supervision, guidance, and direction to the Office of the Executive Director for Operations (OEDO) staff responsible for Communications, Business Process Improvement, Performance Management, and the Executive Assistants who are the liaison with the Regions and Technical and Corporate Management Offices. Additionally, Ms. Galloway is the agency's Performance Improvement Officer, responsible for supporting the Chief Operating Officer (the EDO) in leading performance improvement efforts across the agency.

Ms. Galloway joined the NRC in 1982 as a Project Manager in NRR and has held positions of increasing responsibility within the reactor and materials programs. She has served as a Project Manager, Reactor Operations Engineer and Technical Assistant in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), the former Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data and the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS). Ms. Galloway has held multiple supervisory assignments including Chief, Licensing Section 2, NMSS; Chief, Enrichment Section, NMSS; Chief, Rulemaking Section A, NMSS; and Chief, Technical Support Branch, NMSS. In 2008, she was selected for the Senior Executive Service (SES) position of Deputy Director, Division of Risk Assessment, NRR and in 2010 was selected as Deputy Director, Division of License Renewal. Ms. Galloway received a B.S. degree in nuclear engineering from the Pennsylvania State University and an M.B.A. from the University of Maryland. She is a recipient of the NRC Meritorious Service Award and an American Political Science Association Congressional Fellowship, and is a graduate of the SES Candidate Development Program.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, June 08, 2020