Director: David Pelton
Deputy Director: Shelbie R. Lewman (Acting)
Oversees, manages, and directs the development and implementation of policies and programs for enforcement of NRC requirements. As the Center of Expertise (COE) for Allegations, develops the NRC policy and guidance regarding the management of allegations from sources external to NRC and provides oversight and implementation of the allegation management programs. Develops policy, guidance, and implements an Alternative Dispute Resolution program in conjunction with both the allegation and enforcement programs. Coordinates with the regions, major program offices, Office of the General Counsel, and Office of Investigations regarding matters involving enforcement and allegations. Responsible for oversight of external safety culture policy matters and partners with the Office of Human Capital Officer on NRC's internal safety culture. Oversees and manages the Differing Professional Opinion Program and the Non-Concurrence Process.
Allegation Team
Team Leader: Dori Willis
Provides centralized processing of allegations by expeditiously determining the validity and safety significance of allegations concerning NRC-regulated activities for the Offices of NRR, NSIR, NMSS, and OIP. Coordinates Allegation Review Board (ARB) activities and allegation related information and trends with the regions and program offices in support of the inspection and oversight programs.
Enforcement Branch
Chief: Juan Peralta
Oversees, manages, and directs the development and implementation of policies and programs for enforcement of NRC requirements. Monitors consistency and timeliness of Enforcement Program activities, primarily escalated enforcement cases, across the agency. Coordinates enforcement actions with the regions, major program offices, Office of the General Counsel, and the Office of Investigations.
Concerns Resolution Branch
Chief: David Solorio
Develops and manages those portions of the NRC enforcement program related to licensee employee protection and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Manages the agency safety culture program, office Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, agency wide FOIAs as they relate to allegations, and information technology needs. Oversees and manages the Differing Professional Opinion Program and the Non-Concurrence Process. Responsible for educating the staff on ways to raise different views
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, September 22, 2023