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Regional Administrator: Robert Lewis (Acting)
Deputy Regional Administrator: John Monninger
Executes established NRC policies and assigned programs relating to inspection, licensing, investigation, enforcement, governmental liaison, and emergency response within regional boundaries.
Public Affairs Officer
Senior Public Affairs Officer: Victor Dricks
Implements NRC policies and programs for Public Affairs in the region.
Regional Counsel
Regional Counsel: David Cylkowski
Performs the legal functions necessary to carry out the assigned responsibilities of the regional office.
Regional State Liaison Officer
Regional State Liaison Officer: Ryan Alexander
Coordinates and carries out communications between NRC and the states and appropriate local governments within the region regarding the regulation of nuclear materials and facilities.
Allegation Coordination and Enforcement Staff
Team Leader: Rayomand Kumana (Acting)
Serves as the Region's resource for implementation and coordination of the Agency's enforcement and allegations programs. Provides training and guidance; serves as a centralized point of contact, and coordinates with regional and headquarters staff.
Division of Operating Reactor Safety
Director: Ryan Lantz
Deputy Director: Michael Hay
Implements the NRC inspection program for all operating reactor facilities in Region IV. Provides direction and supervision of the resident inspection staff at each reactor facility. Performs inspections and technical evaluations in the specialized fields of engineering, plant systems operations and testing, maintenance rule, design, heat sink, fire protection, and problem identification and resolution. Administers the Region's operator licensing program and performs risk assessments to support the significance determination process and incident investigation program.
Reactor Projects Branches A-D:
Manages inspections, assessments, regional allegation follow-up, and enforcement for assigned power reactors. Recruits and trains the resident and project inspection staff. Provides initial response to site events and emergencies.
Reactor Projects Branch A
Chief: Patricia Vossmar
Columbia Generating Station Resident Office
Diablo Canyon Resident Office
South Texas Resident Office
Projects Branch description
Reactor Projects Branch B
Chief: Gregory Werner
Callaway Resident Office
Comanche Peak Resident Office
Wolf Creek Resident Office
Projects Branch description
Reactor Projects Branch C
Chief: Jeff Josey
Cooper Nuclear Station Resident Office
Grand Gulf Resident Office
River Bend Resident Office
Projects Branch description
Reactor Projects Branch D
Chief: John Dixon
Arkansas Nuclear One Resident Office
Palo Verde Resident Office
Waterford 3 Resident Office
Projects Branch description
Engineering Branch 1
Chief: Vincent Gaddy
Performs inspections and technical evaluations in the areas of civil, structural, mechanical, and nuclear engineering. Responsibilities include: modifications and testing, design changes, plant systems, configuration control, motor-operated valve programs, design change reconstitution, environmental qualification, reactor physics and core performance component material and structural integrity, plant chemistry and erosion/corrosion, activities associated with refueling outages, and mechanical maintenance/surveillance.
Engineering Branch 2
Chief: Nicholas Taylor
Performs inspections and technical evaluations in the areas of electrical, digital instrumentation and control, fire protection, cyber security, license renewal and inservice inspection. Other areas of responsibility include review of technical matters involving electrical generation, transmission and distribution, AC/DC equipment, grid reliability, instrumentation and control systems, material failure analysis, aging management programs, steam generator integrity and replacement, power uprates, and welding technology.
Operations Branch
Chief: Heather Gepford
Operations Branch develops, reviews, and administers the necessary examinations to reactor operator and senior reactor operator license applicants. The branch issues individual operating licenses to applicants that have met eligibility requirements, successfully completed the required training, and passed the operating test and written examination. Operations Branch also performs inspections to evaluate the ability of licensed operators to safely operate nuclear power plants and to ensure that the facility licensee effectively trains and assesses the performance of their licensed operators.
Inspection Program and Assessment Team
Team Leader: William Schaup (Acting)
Supports the Agency's mission by inspecting licensee corrective action programs and evaluating the safety culture at operating nuclear plants. Coordinates operating reactor cycle assessment and inspector counterpart meetings, conducts self-assessments, disseminates operational experience, monitors regional operational performance, assists with continuing training for qualified reactor inspectors, supports operating reactor knowledge management issues and provides technical administrative support including regional metrics and trending.
Director: Mary Muessle
Deputy Director: Geoff Miller
Provides implementation, policy oversight, and direction for the materials licensing program and the inspection programs associated with decommissioning, uranium recovery, permanently shut down reactors, independent spent fuel storage installations (ISFSI), and radiation protection, physical security, and emergency preparedness programs at operational reactors. Provides for response to events involving licensees and licensed facilities. Provides support for the Headquarters Operations Center and the Intelligence Liaison and Threat Assessment Branch (ILTAB). Manages allegations and enforcement programs involving the above programs. Provides coordination and oversight of Agreement State programs and activities.
Materials Inspection Branch
Chief: Lizette Roldan-Otero
Performs materials inspection for byproduct, source, and special nuclear materials. Coordinates with licensees during weather/seismic events to ensure public health and safety and materials security. Performs event response, reactive inspections, and enforcement casework for these licensees.
Materials Licensing Branch
Chief: Neil O'Keefe
Performs license reviews for materials licensees; evaluates financial assurance submittals; and processes reciprocity requests from Agreement State licensees. Performs event response, reactive inspections, and enforcement casework for these licensees.
Decommissioning, ISFSI, and Operating Reactors Branch
Chief: Gregory Warnick
Performs inspections and technical evaluations in the areas of radiological safety at reactor sites and independent spent fuel storage installations. Conducts routine and final status survey inspections for materials and reactor decommissioning licensees. Conducts routine uranium recovery inspections. Performs event response, reactive inspections, and enforcement casework for these licensees.
Physical Security Branch
Chief: Ray Kellar
Supports the Agency’s security mission by performing baseline and reactive inspections of physical protection systems, equipment, and programs at Region IV licensee facilities. Provides technical expertise and support of licensee physical security issues. Supports NSIR-led force-on-force exercises and emergency preparedness exercises.
Response Coordination Branch
Chief: (Vacant)
Performs inspections that focus on licensee emergency preparedness and their ability to mitigate an accident and recommend protective actions for the public. Provides technical expertise, training, and support for response to incidents involving licensed NRC facilities or materials and maintains the Region IV Incident Response Center. Responsible for maintaining the capabilities and expertise for intelligence liaison and dissemination, and for operating the Region IV Operations Center in support of the Headquarters Operations Center and ILTAB.
Division of Resource Management and Administration
Director: Joseph Lopez
Performs administrative functions in human resource management, contract administration, budget and fiscal management, IT services, space and property management, information management, physical security, site access, telecommunications, and general administrative services, including license fee management, mail operations, and FOIA processing.
Correspondence and Administrative Support Team
Team Leader: Lynnette Scott
Supports the NRC and Region IV mission in the areas of correspondence and document management, timekeeping, travel preparation, requests for services and procurement, public notices of significant NRC activities or decisions, and regional drug testing administration.
Financial and Administrative Resources Branch
Chief: Lora Nute-Blackshear
Supports the NRC and Region IV mission in the areas of acquisition, budgets, fee billing, performance management, facilities, and physical security.
Technology and Information Resources Branch
Chief: Earnestine Clay
Supports the NRC and Region IV mission in the areas of information management, information security, information technology systems support, and telecommunications.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, April 11, 2023