Open Data Plan

The Evidence Act requires each agency to develop and maintain an Open Data Plan, which, in general, shall describe the agency's efforts to make government data open to the public. The Open Data Plan shall be included in the agency's Strategic Information Resources Management Plan, which describes how information resource management activities help accomplish agency missions, including how they support government-wide financial management priorities, to include better integration of budget, cost, and performance data. These plans shall be updated annually and made publicly available on the agency's website not later than five days after each update. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) forthcoming Phase 2 guidance will provide agencies further guidance necessary to implement the Evidence Act's open data plan requirement. The NRC will provide additional information on the agency’s open data plan following the issuance of the Phase 2 guidance by OMB.

Data Inventories, Usage, and Priority

The agency, in accordance with previous directives, has maintained a data page with a listing of High-Value datasets, comprised of those datasets either required by law to be included or those most often requested by external stakeholders, using external demand as the defining characteristic of High-Value. These datasets also meet or exceed the usage of standard metadata as required by policies.