Project Aim

Project AIM logo consisting of an illustration with the words PROJECT (in a tan color), and AIM (in a varying (gradient) light to dark blue color) in the center with the NRC atom logo overlaying the I in the word AIM, and below the crosshairs the words Delivering Our FutureCurrent and projected changes to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s workload prompted the NRC to launch Project Aim in June 2014. The NRC's Executive Director for Operations and the Chief Financial Officer are working together to improve the agency's ability to plan and execute its mission. Part of this effort is to find ways to better adapt to a dynamic environment. The Project Aim team looked to internal and external stakeholders for input on forecasting the workload and operating environment in 2020. Based on these perspectives, a review of published literature and an analysis of the NRC's current state, the team and NRC senior leadership identified key strategies. The goal is to transform the agency over the next five years to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and agility of the NRC.

In late January 2015, NRC staff sent a proposal to the Commission. The staff recommended several changes that would allow the NRC to function more efficiently:

  • Right-sizing the agency to retain skill sets needed to accomplish its mission.
  • Streamlining agency processes to use resources more wisely.
  • Improving timeliness in regulatory decision-making and responding quickly to changing conditions.
  • Promoting unity of purpose with clearer agencywide priorities.

The Commission approved many of the staff's recommendations.  Many changes are already underway. We are tracking these changes as 19 specific tasks. The Project Aim initiative is meant to carry out changes in an open, collaborate, and transparent manner.

For more information about Project Aim, see the following:

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, May 9, 2022