The NRC recovers about 90 percent of its budget through user fees. These fees are set every year
through a rulemaking process, which includes an opportunity for public input. During the past
several fee rulemakings, the NRC received comments from stakeholders, licensees, and applicants
indicating they are surprised by increases in fees, and find the license fee-setting process opaque
and difficult to understand. As a result, the NRC is working to explain more clearly how it
calculates and accounts for fees, and improve the transparency and timeliness of the process.
The NRC contracted with Ernst & Young, to compare how the NRC calculates fees against other
Federal agencies and develop recommendations for improvement. In addition, the NRC analyzed the
current process to identify improvements in how it develops the annual Fee Rule and communicates
changes to stakeholders. These improvements include clarifying working papers presented publicly to
justify fees, identifying the specific reasons for changes, evaluating how better to communicate fee
changes to the industry, and publishing the annual Fee Rule sooner. In addition, the NRC will assess
alternative methods of calculating fees, including whether flat fees should be expanded to other
types of regulatory activities to provide a simple and predictable billing process. The NRC will
also identify opportunities to further automate the fee-setting process to increase efficiency and
The Project Aim recommendation sets the FY 2017 Fee Rule as the target to begin implementing an
improved process. However, we aim to provide continuous improvement around fee calculations,
transparency, and timing. The OCFO held several public meetings in 2015 and 2016 to share
information on fee calculations and improvements in the billing process to provide additional
clarity and transparency. On August 15, 2016, the staff submitted proposals to the Commission for
improving the fees process in FY 2017 and beyond (SECY-16-0097). On October 19, 2016, the Commission
directed the staff to begin improving the fees process and to conduct a pilot initiative to explore
whether a flat-fee structure could be established for routine licensing matters in the area of
uranium recovery (SRM-SECY-16-0097).