Attention to Liquid Dilution Volumes in Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports

HPPOS-099 PDR-9111210218

See the memorandum from C. A. Willis to W. W. Meinke and C. L. Miller dated November 7, 1984.

The memo states that for semiannual effluent reports pursuant to Regulatory Guide 1.21, licensees should use the total volume of dilution flow, not just the flow during the time of liquified effluent release. [Note: Effluent reports are now required annually.] The dilutional volume (or flow) must be determined specifically for each plant.

In addition, a table of expected dilution volumes may be prepared by the contractor using data from various environmental statements, ODCMs, etc.

Regulatory references: Regulatory Guide 1.21, Technical Specifications

Subject codes: 2.2, 7.3

Applicability: Reactors

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, October 13, 2017