Required Continuing Training Program for HP Professionals

HPPOS-247 PDR-9111220100

See the memorandum from L. J. Cunningham to J. H. Joyner (and others) dated November 13, 1990. This memo provides guidance on what constitutes a reasonable continuing training program for HP professionals. HPPOS-247 contains a related topic.

Standard Technical Specifications require licensees to be committed to some ANSI standard that establishes a retraining or continuing training program that includes HP professionals. The following guidance should be considered when judging the adequacy of a continuous training program (CTP) for HP professionals.

  1. Purpose of CTP
    1. To keep up with state-of-the-art technology
    2. To keep abreast of current industry issues
    3. To maintain awareness of industry performance
    4. To refresh initial technical training
  2. Guidance for CTP
    1. Professional programs need to be flexible
    2. Licensees need to formally document commitment for CTP
    3. Time requirements for accomplishing CTP goals should be specified but can be flexible, with large degrees of freedom
  3. What Counts as Technical / Supervisory Training
    1. Includes, but not limited to, related formal course work
    2. Progress toward ABHP certification (and continuing credits toward maintenance or certification)
    3. Professional technical meetings (e.g., HPS, EEI, EPRI, ANS, Westinghouse REM seminar, etc.)
    4. Trips or temporary assignments to other plants
    5. Structured self-education
    6. Others

NRC is currently planning to issue a proposed rule and attendant regulatory guide concerning training. In addition, the Human Factors Assessment Branch has reviewed and supports this guidance. However, as a result of the rulemaking, the guidance provided here may require modification. [Note: The Training and Qualification Rule 10 CFR 50.120 has been issued without a regulatory guide. No further guidance is necessary.]

Regulatory references: Technical Specifications

Subject codes: 1.2, 12.19

Applicability: Reactors

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, October 18, 2017