Required Continuing Training Program for HP Professionals
HPPOS-247 PDR-9111220100
See the memorandum from L. J. Cunningham to J. H. Joyner (and others) dated November 13, 1990. This memo provides guidance on what constitutes a reasonable continuing training program for HP professionals. HPPOS-247 contains a related topic.
Standard Technical Specifications require licensees to be committed to some ANSI standard that establishes a retraining or continuing training program that includes HP professionals. The following guidance should be considered when judging the adequacy of a continuous training program (CTP) for HP professionals.
- Purpose of CTP
- To keep up with state-of-the-art technology
- To keep abreast of current industry issues
- To maintain awareness of industry performance
- To refresh initial technical training
- Guidance for CTP
- Professional programs need to be flexible
- Licensees need to formally document commitment for CTP
- Time requirements for accomplishing CTP goals should be specified but can be flexible, with large degrees of freedom
- What Counts as Technical / Supervisory Training
- Includes, but not limited to, related formal course work
- Progress toward ABHP certification (and continuing credits toward maintenance or certification)
- Professional technical meetings (e.g., HPS, EEI, EPRI, ANS, Westinghouse REM seminar, etc.)
- Trips or temporary assignments to other plants
- Structured self-education
- Others
NRC is currently planning to issue a proposed rule and attendant regulatory guide concerning training. In addition, the Human Factors Assessment Branch has reviewed and supports this guidance. However, as a result of the rulemaking, the guidance provided here may require modification. [Note: The Training and Qualification Rule 10 CFR 50.120 has been issued without a regulatory guide. No further guidance is necessary.]
Regulatory references: Technical Specifications
Subject codes: 1.2, 12.19
Applicability: Reactors
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, October 18, 2017