Health Physics Questions and Answers - Question 10
Question 10: Why does the revised Part 20 still require Form 4?
Answer: Form 4 is used as a cumulative record of exposures at each licensee facility and serves as a mechanism for transmitting data from one licensee to another. Licensees must attempt to obtain the information on lifetime cumulative occupational radiation dose on Form 4, or equivalent, for all workers requiring monitoring. Licensees must obtain that information for occupational radiation doses received during the current year and prior to permitting a Planned Special Exposure. (See 10 CFR 20.2104.) Form 4 is not transmitted to the NRC.
Form 5 is a summary of annual exposure and may have more frequent entries. The data on several previous Form 5's might be used to prepare a summary Form 4. The Form 5 will be provided to the NRC annually for workers in 7 classes of licensed facilities under the revised Part 20.
(References: 10 CFR 20.2104, 10 CFR 20.2206)
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