
The NRC's Allegation Program deals with concerns associated with NRC requirements and wrongdoing by individuals or organizations who are --

  • Licensed by the NRC
  • Applicants for licenses
  • Licensee contractors or vendors
  • Employees of any of the above

The Allegation Program does not evaluate issues concerning the conduct of NRC employees or NRC contractors which come under the purview of the NRC's Office of the Inspector General.

A brief summary of the allegation program can be found in our brochure on Reporting Safety Concerns to the NRC (NUREG/BR-0240). For additional information, see our Backgrounder on Allegation Process and NRC staff guidance in Management Directive 8.8, "Management of Allegations," and the Allegation Manual.

For more information on our Allegation program, see the following:

If you are interested in decisions the Department of Labor has issued concerning claims of discrimination filed under the Energy Reorganization Act, see the following web page, which lists decisions by DOL Administrative Law Judges and the Administrative Review Board.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, July 7, 2020