Proposed Generic Letter 2011-xx, "Potential Embrittlement of Fuel Rods during Postulated Loss-of-Coolant Accidents" |
Formal Review |
05/19/2011 |
CRGR #428 ML11153A039 |
The CRGR did not identify any backfit issues in the GL as written. The CRGR provided some minor editorial comments on both the GL and the draft justification memo. |
Draft Regulatory Issue Summary 2011-07, "License Renewal Submittal Information for Pressurized Water Reactor Internals Aging Management" |
Informal Review |
06/29/2011 |
N/A |
Waived |
Draft Regulatory Issue Summary 2011-08, "Fatigue Management during Hurricane Conditions 10 CFR Part 26, Subpart I" |
Informal Review |
07/28/2011 |
N/A |
Waived |
OGC new template of implementation section for regulatory guides (RG) and inclusion in three proposed RG: Revision 1 of RG 1.93, "Availability of Electric Power Sources," and Revision 1 to RG 1.156, "Qualification of Connection Assemblies for Nuclear Power Plants," and New RG 1.218, "Condition-Monitoring Techniques for Electric Cables Used in Nuclear Power Plants" |
Formal Review |
07/29/2011 |
CRGR #429 ML111800483 |
The CRGR did not identify any backfit concerns and it endorses the revised RG implementation section and its inclusion into the three subject RGs. |
Draft Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-12 Update (A-I, L-M, and 2005-12) for the NRC Threat Advisory and Protective Measures System:
2002-12A, Revision 1, "Power Reactors, NRC Threat Advisory and Protective Measures System," 2002-12B, Revision 1, "Threat Conditions and Specific Conditions for Research and Test Reactors," 2002-12C, Revision 1, "Threat Conditions and Specific Actions for Decommissioning Power Reactors and Independent Fuel Storage Installations Using Wet Storage," 2002-12D, Revision 1, "Threat Conditions and Specific Actions for Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations Using Dry Storage," 2002-12E, Revision 1, "Category I Fuel Facilities," 2002-12F, Revision 1, "Category III Fuel Facilities," 2002-12G, Revision 1, "Threat Conditions and Specific Actions for Conversion Facility," 2002-12H, Revision 1, "Gaseous Diffusion Plants," 2002-12I, Revision 2, "Transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel Greater Than 100 Grams," 2002-12L, Revision 1, "Threat Conditions and Specific Actions for Panoramic and Underwater Irradiators," 2002-12M, Revision 1, "Manufacturing and Distribution Licensees," 2005-12, Revision 1, "Transportation of Radioactive Material Quantities of Concern NRC Threat Advisory & Protective Measures System" |
Informal Review |
08/16/2011 |
N/A |
Waived |
Proposed Generic Letter (GL) 2011-xx, "Seismic Risk Evaluations for Operating Reactors" |
Formal Review |
08/24/2011 |
CRGR #430 ML112150510 |
The CRGR did not identify any backfit issues in the GL as written. The CRGR recommended and the staff agreed to remove text that suggests the basis and conclusion for the information request may produce either an adequate protection backfit or a cost-justified safety enhancement backfit. |
NRO Office Instruction, Office of New Reactor: REG-300, "Maintaining and Updating the Standard Review Plan" |
Informal Review |
09/12/2011 |
N/A |
Waived |
Regulatory Information Summary (RIS) 2011-xx, "Adequacy of Station Electric Distribution System Voltage" |
Formal Review |
09/19/2011 |
CRGR #431 ML112660448 |
The CRGR did not identify any backfit issues in the RIS as written. The CRGR recommended and the staff agreed to include additional text that would address plants licensed before the issuance of GDC 17. |
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulation (NUREG) 1022, Revision 3, "Event Report Guidelines 10 CFR 50.72 and 10 CFR 50.73" |
Informal Review |
09/23/2011 |
N/A |
Waived |
Response to Public Comments on Docket ID NRC-2011-0013 Proposed Generic Communications: Draft NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2011-12, "Adequacy of Station Electric Distribution System Voltage" |
Informal Review |
11/18/2011 |
N/A |
Waived |
Draft Regulatory Issue Summary 2011-13, "Follow Up to Generic Letter 96-05 for Evaluation of Class D Valves under Joint Owners Group Motor-Operated Valve Periodic Verification Program" |
Informal Review |
12/08/2011 |
N/A |
Waived |