2018 Standards Forum

The NRC Standards Forum aims to identify standards needs for the nuclear industry that are not currently being addressed by standards development organizations (SDOs) such as ASTM, ASME, ACI, ANS, IEEE, etc. The Forum is an interactive meeting, sponsored by the NRC, that engages stakeholders, such as SDOs, utilities, research organizations, and NRC staff to identify and develop standards used in regulatory applications; for example, for use in advanced reactor licensing reviews.

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2018 NRC Standards Forum Agenda

Presentations from the Standards Forum September 11, 2018

Name Presentation Title
Mr. Tom Boyce
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NRC Standards Forum Overview
Mr. Steven Arndt
American Nuclear Society
Report on ASN/NRC Advanced Non-Light Water Reactor Standards Workshop
Ms. Ruth Reyes-Maldonado
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NRC Participation in the Development and Use of Consensus Standards
Mr. Andrew Yeshnik
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NRC Standards Forum: NRC Endorsement of ASME BPVC Section III, Division 5
Mr. Greg Hostetter
Nuclear Power Engineering Committee
NRC Standards Forum: IEEE NPEC Current and Future Reactor Standards
Dr. Jose Pires
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Codes and Standards for Structural and Seismic Safety: NESCC and the NRC Standards Forum
Mr. Oliver Martinez
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
SDO panel on Identifying and Prioritizing topics and Leveraging Partnerships
Mr. Steven Arndt
American Nuclear Society
How SDOs can Leverage Partnerships
Mr. Greg Hostetter
Nuclear Power Engineering Committee
NRC Standards Forum: IEEE NPEC Standards Development
Dr. Andrew Sowder
Electric Power Research Institute
Identifying Research Projects and Delivering the Results at EPRI
Mr. Steven Geier
Nuclear Energy Institute
Standards Improvements
Dr. Rita Baranwal
Department of Energy, Idaho National Laboratory
Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN)
Mr. Thomas Sowinski
Department of Energy
Update on DOE Consensus-Based Standards Efforts
Ms. Sarah Bloomquist
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Standardization Roadmap for Additive Manufacturing
Mr. Jason Christensen
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Review of Advanced Manufacturing

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2017 NRC Standards Forum Action Items
2018 NEI Member Suggestions and Considerations for Prioritizing Standards
Standards Forum Topics List

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Meeting Summary
2018 Standards Forum Meeting Summary
NRC Standards Forum 2018 - Updated Agenda
Meeting Participants 2018 Standards Forum
2018 NRC Standards Forum Action Item List

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, October 17, 2018