2021 Standards Forum

The Forum aims at facilitating discussions on codes and standards needs within the nuclear industry and explore how to collaborate in accelerating the development of codes and standards and the NRC's endorsement of these codes and standards in its regulations and regulatory guides. The Forum is an interactive meeting, sponsored by the NRC, that engages stakeholders, such as standards development organizations (e.g. ACI, ANS, ASCE, ASME, ASTM, IEEE, etc.), utilities, research organizations, academia, and NRC staff.

Standards Forum Agenda

Time Topic Speaker
10:00 – 10:10 Welcome, logistics, introductions, and objectives NRC
10:10 – 12:00 Session 1: Overview of Recent Codes and Standards Initiatives
  1. ANS/ASME Nuclear Standards Collaborative to Support Advanced Reactor Standards Needs (Donald Eggett, ANS and Thomas Vogan, ASME)

  2. Recent NEI Codes and Standards Initiatives for Advanced Reactors (Mark Richter, NEI)

  3. NEI Codes and Standards Task Force Initiatives (Thomas Basso, NEI)

  4. Rulemaking Plan on Revision of Inservice Testing and Inservice Inspection Program Update Frequencies Required in 10 CFR 50.55a (David Rudland, NRC)

  5. Regulatory Guidance Framework for IEEE Electrical Standards (Sheila Ray, NRC)

12:00 – 12:45 Lunch Break --
12:45 – 3:05


Session 2: Recent Developments in Codes and Standards for New and Advanced Reactors
  1. Qualification of High Temperature Materials and their Incorporation into ASME Section III, Division 5 (Sam Sham, INL and Richard Wright, Structural Alloys LLC)

  2. ASME Code Case: Steel Plate Composite Containment Vessel (SCCV) (Amit Varma, Purdue University)

  3. OM-2 Inservice Testing for Gen-4 and Beyond (Augi Cardillo and Tom Ruggiero, ASME)

ACI, ASCE, ASME, EPRI, INL, NRC, Purdue University,
  1. EPRI Project Updates (Samuel Johnson, Hasan Charkas, and Salvador Villalobos, EPRI)

  2. ASCE 1, 4, and 43 Risk-informed, Performance-based Standards and Plan for Regulatory Guides on ASCE Standards 1, 4, and 43 for Risk-Informed Applications (Andrew Whittaker and George Abbat, ASCE, and Jim Xu, NRC)

  3. Updates on ACI 349 Development of Codes and Standards (Adeola Adediran, ACI)

Structural Alloys LLC

3:05 – 3:20



3:20 – 4:50

Session 3: Advanced Manufacturing

  1. NRC Regulatory Approach for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (Robert Davis, NRC)

  2. EPRI Advanced Manufacturing Methods (AMM) Roadmap (David Gandy, EPRI)

  3. ASME Section III, SubGroup - MF&E. Materials, Fabrication and Examination, TG-AM Task Group Advanced Manufacturing (Daniel Mann, ASME)

  4. ASME Criteria for Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing (George Rawls, SRNL and David Gandy, EPRI)


4:50 – 5:00

Summary of key takeaways and closing remarks


Meeting Summary
2021 Standards Forum Meeting Summary

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, October 26, 2021