Wyoming is an Agreement State. No operating nuclear reactors or fuel cycle facilities other than mills are located in Wyoming. Wyoming has jurisdiction over x-ray equipment, naturally occurring radioactive materials, and certain radioactive materials that are not produced in a reactor.
The NRC's Regional Office in Arlington, Texas, (Region IV) is responsible for carrying out the Agency's duties in Wyoming.
On this page:
State Regulatory Contacts
Agreement State Director |
State Liaison Officer |
Brandi O’Brien
Program Manager
Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
Land Quality Division
200 West 17th St., Suite 10
Cheyenne, WY 82002
PH (307)777-7757
Brandi.OBrien@wyo.gov |
Dillon Conner, Radiological Program Manager
Wyoming Office of Homeland Security
5500 Bishop Blvd.
Cheynne, WY 82002
PH: (307) 777-7197
24-Hour: (307) 421-0206
FX: (307) 635-6017
Dillon.Conner@wyo.gov |
Radiographer Certification Contacts and Status for Wyoming
Wyoming Regulations
Individuals To Receive Advance Notification of Radioactive Material and Nuclear Material Shipments
Individuals To Receive Advance Notification of Radioactive Material and Nuclear Material Shipments
Material Category |
Individual to be Notified |
Part 37
Part 71
Part 73 |
Cpt. Dustin Ragon
Wyoming Highway Patrol
5300 Bishop Boulevard
Cheyenne, WY 82009
Phone: (307) 777-4312
24-hour phone: (307) 777-4321
Fax: (307) 777-4282
E-mail: dustin.ragon1@wyo.gov
Dillon Conner, Radiological Program Manager
Wyoming Office of Homeland Security
5500 Bishop Blvd.
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: (307) 777-7197
24-Hour Phone: (307) 421-0206
Fax: (307) 635-6017
E-mail: Dillon.Conner@wyo.gov |
Regulatory Reviews of the Wyoming State Program
Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) Reviews of the Wyoming State Program
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, September 11, 2023