This site description was provided by the cognizant Agreement State, and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) makes no claim regarding the validity of the information provided. See our Site Disclaimer for more information.
1.0 Site Identification
Type of Site: |
Complex Decommissioning Site |
Location: |
Carnegie, PA |
License No.: |
N/A |
Docket No.: |
N/A |
License Status: |
Unknown |
2.0 Site Status Summary
Superbolt is the current owner of the facility. The site was owned and operated by the Superior Steel Company, during the period from 1952 to 1957. During this period, Superior Steel performed contract work for the AEC. Superior Steel's license expired in 1958.
The Superbolt site consists of five interconnected warehouse buildings (designated as Building 23) with uranium contaminated building surfaces. Uranium contamination is also present in a sub-floor trench located within two of the warehouse buildings and extending approximately 50 feet outside the building structure. The trench has been backfilled and sealed with a layer of concrete. Historical surveys indicated the presence of ground water intrusion into portions of the sub-floor trench. However, no indication of ground water contamination beyond the trench boundary has been detected. Uranium contamination was also detected outside and adjacent to the building.
Currently no DP exists for the site. The site owner does not have a cost estimate for decommissioning. Based on characterization survey data and historical information it is believed that the major cost contributor will be the cost associated with excavation of the material in the sub-floor trench and associated disposal costs that could exceed several million dollars.
The Superbolt site was designated eligible for inclusion in the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) by the Department of Energy in 2006. The Buffalo District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers prepared a Preliminary Assessment and a Preliminary Legal Liability Analysis that supported the determination that inclusion of the Superbolt Site in the FUSRAP is warranted. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is responsible for remediation of the Superbolt site and has received sufficient funding for planned investigation phase activities in Fiscal Year 2010 (FY10). A Historic Air Photo Analysis of the Superbolt property has been performed by the Army Geospatial Center.
USACE continues to track the site, but has not been able to find money to budget for any site cleanup activities. USACE occasional holds conference calls with PADEP to provide an update that the status has not changed.
3.0 Major Technical or Regulatory Issues
Investigational Phase work activities for the Superbolt site for development of a Feasibility Study, Proposed Plan, and Record of Decision will be dependent upon Congressional funding for the FUSRAP.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021