Intercontinental Energy Corporation
1.0 General Site Information
Site Location: |
Three Rivers, TX |
Agreement State License Number: |
R-02538 |
Agreement State Contact: |
Hans Weger |
512-239-6465 |
NRC Agreement State Site Monitor: |
Duncan White | |
NRC Site Monitor: |
Martha Poston-Brown | |
2.0 Site Description
This site summary consists of three In-situ recovery projects operated by the licensee - Lamprecht Project, Zamzow Project and Pawnee Project. The Lamprecht and Zamzow Projects are located in Live Oak County and the Pawnee Project was located in Bee County. All three in-situ recovery sites used ammonium bicarbonate as part of their ISL process. The Pawnee project site was released for unrestricted use by the TCEQ in March of 1999. The Lamprecht and Zamzow projects have completed the groundwater remediation but surface contamination clean-up is still in progress on a limited basis due to funding.
3.0 Site History
A radioactive material license (10-2238) was issued to Intercontinental Energy Corporation in September of 1976. This license authorized in-situ mining and processing into uranium concentrate at a leased property 2.4 miles east of the city of Pawnee in Bee County Texas (Pawnee project). In March of 1978 the license was amended to add a site 3 miles east of the city of Three Rivers in Live Oak County (Zamzow Project).
A license (10-2538) was issued to Wyoming Mineral Corporation for in-situ mining, processing and drying into yellowcake for the Lamprecht mine site in July 1978. This license was amended in 1980 to add the Benham mine site. The license was amended in September 1984 to transfer the sites to Intercontinental Energy Corporation. License 10-2538 was amended in February 1989 to add the Pawnee and Zamzow projects, and in April 1998 to change the status of the sites to possession only for the purposes of decommissioning. In March of 1999, the Pawnee site was released for unrestricted use and removed from the license. The Lamprecht and Zamzow projects have had the groundwater in the wellfields restored to meet the UIC permit limits and the wells have been plugged and abandoned and the UIC permits revoked.
In 2003, the license (10-2538) was revoked (R-2538) due to non-payment of fees. Revocation of the license did not relieve the licensee of its duties to comply with the requirements. The TCEQ is involved in legal proceedings related to decommissioning funding but is using alternative funds to remediate and release the properties for unrestricted use.
As of June 2021, the current alternate funds for both sites have been expended. A draft Remedial Action Report for cleanup activities for both sites are currently under review. Further clean-up is required for both sites and will commence once additional funding is available. The State of Texas is preparing a Completion Review Report (CRR) for the site.
4.0 Current NRC actions/status
NRC reviewed and approved the final CRR (for Zamzow and Lamprecht sites) on August 21, 2023 (ML23192A767). NRC interacts regularly with the State to maintain awareness of site status.
5.0 Expected Transition to DOE for LTS&M
2023 (See DOE LM Site Management Guide, June 2022)
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, September 05, 2023