Materials Environmental Reviews

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires all Federal agencies to evaluate the impacts of proposed major actions on the human environment. The NRC complies with NEPA through its regulations in 10 CFR Part 51.

The Environmental Center of Expertise in the NRC's Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) conducts environmental reviews in support of NMSS regulatory and licensing actions. The Environmental Center of Expertise considers the environmental effects of the proposed action on land use, water quality and use, ecological resources, noise, public and occupational health, socioeconomics, air quality, and environmental justice to name a few.

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The Environmental Center of Expertise develops all environmental impact statements (EISs) and complex environmental assessments (EAs) for decommissioning activities, uranium recovery licensing, fuel cycle licensing, spent fuel and transportation licensing, and rulemaking actions. The Environmental Center of Expertise also reviews and coordinates with other Federal and State agencies; develops environmental guidance; and provides assistance, training, and support in the environmental review areas.

The following table presents a list of current NEPA reviews.

Facility Facility Type Application Type NEPA Document
Cimarron Decommissioning Materials Site (former Fuel Fabrication Facility) License Termination Plan Environmental Assessment
Church Rock Decommissioning Material Site License Amendment Environmental Impact Statement
HI-STORE (Holtec) Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation New License Application Environmental Impact Statement
Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC (Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility) Uranium Fuel Fabrication License Renewal Environmental Impact Statement
West Valley (NRC is a cooperating agency) Decommissioning material site West Valley Demonstration Project Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
GEH Morris Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation
License Renewal Environmental Assessment
Split Rock UMTRCA Title II Disposal Site Long-Term Surveillance Plan Uranium Mill Tailings/Uranium Recovery
Long-Term Surveillance Plan Environmental Assessment
Durita UMTRCA Title II Disposal Site Long-Term Surveillance Plan Uranium Mill Tailings/Uranium Recovery
Long-Term Surveillance Plan Environmental Assessment
Fort Calhoun Decommissioning Reactor site License Termination Plan Environmental Assessment

Public Involvement

The environmental review process under NEPA provides an opportunity for the public to provide input into the NRC's review, whether it is through scoping, or submitting comments on a draft EIS. See Documents for Comment for a list of NEPA documents available for comment.


In addition to NEPA, the NRC's regulatory process provides a variety of opportunities for the public to participate. The NRC announces upcoming public meetings to enable interested members of the public to participate. NRC also encourages public involvement in rulemaking, uranium recovery, fuel cycle programs, spent fuel storage topics, and decommissioning. In addition, the NRC provides notices of major licensing applications to inform the public about hearings and opportunities to intervene.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, May 31, 2023