Reprocessing refers generally to the processes used to separate spent nuclear reactor fuel into nuclear materials that may be recycled for use in new fuel and material that would be discarded as waste. There are no commercial reprocessing facilities currently operating in the United States, but there are commercial facilities operating in other countries.
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In 2007, the Commission directed the staff to complete an analysis of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) to identify regulatory gaps for licensing an advanced reprocessing facility and recycling reactor.
In mid-2008, two nuclear industry companies informed the agency of their intent to seek a license for a reprocessing facility in the U.S. An additional company expressed its support for updating the regulatory framework for reprocessing, but stopped short of stating its intent to seek a license for such a facility. At the time, the staff also noted that progress on some Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) initiatives had waned and it appeared appropriate to shift the focus of the staff's efforts from specific GNEP-facility regulations to a more broadly applicable framework for commercial reprocessing facilities.
In 2013, the staff issued SECY-13-0093, which provided the Commission options and resource estimates for updating the NRC's regulatory framework for licensing a reprocessing facility. The SRM for this SECY instructed the NRC staff to develop a reprocessing-specific rule in a new part of the Commission's regulations but directed that the continued development of the framework should be limited in scope - for the time being - to the resolution of Gap 5, "Safety and Risk Assessment Methodologies and Considerations for a Reprocessing Facility." The SRM also directed the staff to provide a notation vote paper presenting the results of this limited-scope effort, as well as recommendations on next steps.
In 2021, the staff issued SECY-21-0026, which provided that the NRC staff's assessment that a continued rulemaking effort was not currently justified, as there was limited interest expressed or expected from potential applicants for reprocessing facilities, including advanced reactor designers, in the near-term use of reprocessed spent fuel. The Commission approved the staff’s recommendation in the SRM for SECY-21-0026.
Regulatory Timeline
2006 - Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) initiative launched, with the goal of establishing domestic reprocessing and burner reactor capability and take-back of spent fuel from foreign countries.
2007/2008 - Congress reduced GNEP funding
2009 - Domestic aspect of GNEP ended, but DOE moved ahead with reprocessing research and development. Industry remained interested in domestic reprocessing
2008 - 2013 - NRC received letters from four companies supporting an update of the reprocessing regulatory framework
2009 - NRC conducted a gap analysis of the reprocessing regulation for expanding 10 CFR Part 70. This analysis was documented in SECY-09-0082. 23 gaps identified (14 high priority, 5 medium priority)
2011 - Draft Regulatory Basis, provided in SECY-11-0163. 19 high & medium priority gaps addressed. New Part 7x recommended for reprocessing, technology neutral rule to address large reprocessing facilities with an annual throughput of about 1000 MT of spent fuel.
2013 - Staff provided the Commission its resource estimate for completing 10 CFR Part 7x rulemaking activities in SECY-13-0093. The SECY discussed options to address 23 regulatory gaps with a budget of an estimated ~57 FTE + $12 million, which would include developing associated guidance documents.
2013 - Although the Commission approved development of a reprocessing specific rule, approval was limited to only completion of the regulatory basis for Gap 5 (Safety and Risk Assessment Methodologies and Considerations for a Reprocessing Facility) in SRM-SECY-13-0093.
2016 - NRC suspended work on Part 7x rulemaking due to budgetary constraints and apparent lack of industry interest in constructing and operating a commercial spent fuel reprocessing facility in the United States
2020 - NRC held a public meeting on March 4 to obtain stakeholder input on the degree of interest in constructing, operating, and licensing a spent fuel reprocessing facility. NEI and industry representatives supported the continuation of rulemaking for clear and stable regulatory framework, but did not indicate plans to submit a reprocessing facility application in the foreseeable future (10-20 years). Other stakeholders did not want continued rulemaking because of proliferation and other concerns.
2021 - SECY issued on March 5 to discontinue rulemaking, based on limited interest expressed or expected from potential applicants for reprocessing facilities in the near-term use of reprocessed spent fuel. The rule is not currently cost-justified and the existing regulatory framework is considered adequate for near-term licensing needs.
2021 - SRM approved SECY on June 24, 2021.
Related Commission Papers (SECY)
Document number |
Description |
Date |
SECY-21-0026 |
Discontinuation of Rulemaking—Spent Fuel Reprocessing |
03/05/2021 |
SECY-13-0093 |
Reprocessing Regulatory Framework – Status and Next Steps
08/30/2013 |
SECY-11-0163 |
Reprocessing Rulemaking: Draft Regulatory Basis and Path Forward |
11/18/2011 |
SECY-09-0082 |
Update on Reprocessing Regulatory Framework – Summary of Gap Analysis |
05/28/2009 |
SECY-08-0134 |
Regulatory Structure for Spent Fuel Reprocessing |
09/12/2008 |
SECY-07-0198 |
Performance and Coordination of the Regulatory Framework for the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership |
11/07/2007 |
SECY-07-0081 |
Regulatory Options for Licensing Facilities Associated with the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership |
05/15/2007 |
SECY-06-0066 |
Regulatory and Resource Implications of a Department of Energy Spent Nuclear Fuel Recycling Program |
05/16/2006 |
Related Staff Requirement Memoranda (SRM's)
Document number |
Description |
Date |
SRM-SECY-21-0026 |
Staff Requirements – SECY-21-0026 – Discontinuation of Rulemaking—Spent Fuel Reprocessing |
06/24/2021 |
SRM-SECY-13-0093 |
Staff Requirements – SECY-13-0093 – Reprocessing Regulatory Framework – Status and Next Steps
11/04/2013 |
SRM-SECY-07-0081 |
Staff Requirements – Regulatory Options for Licensing Facilities Associated with the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) |
06/28/2007 |
SRM-SECY-06-0066 |
Staff Requirements – Regulatory and Resource Implications of a Department of Energy Spent Nuclear Fuel Recycling Program |
05/16/2006 |
Public Meetings other Interactions
The following table lists, in chronological order, the public meetings that the NRC staff has conducted to discuss the regulatory efforts regarding reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel.
Public Meetings and Other Interactions |
Meeting Date |
Subject |
03/04/2020 |
Public Meeting for Spent Fuel Reprocessing Rulemaking |
Public meeting to discuss potential rulemaking for spent nuclear fuel reprocessing facilities.
- NRC Perspective: Regulatory Framework for Reprocessing
- Regulatory Framework for Reprocessing and Definitions (Gaps 1 and 6)
- Waste & Environmental Considerations (Gaps 2, 3, 15, 16, and 19)
- Safeguards and Security (Gaps 4, 8, 17, and 18)
- Safety and Licensing Consideration (Gaps 5, 7, 9, 10, and 11)
- Financial Protection Requirements and Fees (Gaps 12, 13, and 14)
Public comments
10/20/2010 |
Public workshop to discuss major issues associated with the development of a regulatory framework for a potential rulemaking for spent nuclear fuel reprocessing facilities (Albuquerque, NM).
Meeting Summary |
08/08/2010 |
Public workshop to discuss major issues associated with the development of a regulatory framework for a potential rulemaking for spent nuclear fuel reprocessing facilities (Rockville, MD).
Meeting Summary
05/13/2010 |
Public meeting with NRC staff and NEI representatives to discuss NRC's ongoing activities related to revising the regulatory framework for spent nuclear fuel reprocessing. The meeting included the following presentations from NRC staff and NEI representatives:
- Industry Perspectives on the Development of Recycling Regulations – Rod McCullum, John Greeves, Bob Pierson, Jack Bailey and Robert Hogg, Nuclear Energy Institute
- Revising Reprocessing Regulatory Framework – Overview – Thomas Hiltz, Branch Chief, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
- Regulatory Gap 5, Risk Considerations for a Production Facility Licensed Under 10 CFR Part 70 – Yawar Faraz, Sr. Project Manager, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
- Regulatory Gap 9, General Design Criteria and Baseline Design Criteria, GDC/BDC – Alexander Murray, Sr. Chemical Process Engineer, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
- Meeting Summary
10/28/2009 |
Public meeting to address:
- Waste Discussions related to regulatory gaps – including definitions of High Level Waste and Waste Incidental to Recycling; waste classification: waste confidence, independent storage of UNF and HLW, and definitions of additional terms
- Safeguards Issues – including reprocessing facility exemption from Cat. 1 requirements, material accounting management, advanced fuel cycles and SNM, and risk-informing parts 73 and 74
09/18/2009 |
Public meeting to discuss the current work being done to develop a regulatory framework for reprocessing. The meeting included the following presentations from NRC management and staff:
02/26/2009 |
Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute on its White Paper regarding a proposed regulatory framework for licensing spent fuel reprocessing facilities.
Related Technical Presentations
Seminar Date |
Subject |
12/08/2010 |
DOE Seminar on Reprocessing – Transmutation
07/28/2010 |
DOE Seminar on Reprocessing - 40 CFR Part 190
Reprocessing Framework Schedules
Staff's Preliminary Plan for Gap Resolution
Gap |
Description |
Sample Timeline *** |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
1 |
Regulatory Framework (Complete) |
2 |
Independent Storage of High Level Waste |
3 |
Waste Incidental to Reprocessing |
4 |
Exclusion of Irradiated Fuel Processing Facilities in 10 CFR 74.51 (*) |
5 |
Risk Considerations for production facility |
6 |
Definitions |
7 |
Licensed Operators and Testing |
8 |
Risk-Informed 10 CFR Parts 73 and 74 (**) |
9 |
General Design Criteria |
10 |
One-Step Licensing and ITAACs |
11 |
Technical Specifications |
12 |
Financial Protection Requirements |
13 |
Schedule of Fees |
14 |
Annual Fees |
15 |
Waste Confidence |
16 |
Waste Classification |
17 |
Diversion Path Analysis |
18 |
Material Accounting |
19 |
Effluent Control and Monitoring |
(*) Addressed through ongoing 10 CFR Part 74.51 rulemaking approved by Commission
(**) In this context, risk informing means staff will evaluate 10 CFR Part 73 and 10 CFR Part 74 for any changes needed to support reprocessing licensing
(***) Assuming resources of 2 FTE per year
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, May 15, 2023