T7 Enhancements to Fuel Cycle and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Oversight Programs

This Session will present an overview of the enhancements to oversight programs in the Division of Fuel Management with a focus on the commonalities in how development of the inspection programs for fuel facilities, storage, and transportation were undertaken.  Presentations will provide background on the Smarter Oversight Initiative in the Fuel Facilities Business Line that was undertaken by a working group, chartered in April 2019, as well as the optimization of oversight activities within the Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Business Line prior to the merging of the business lines under one Division of Fuel Management. Presentations will provide background on the approach for conducting holistic assessments of these oversight programs for the purpose of improving their effectiveness and efficiency. The presentations will provide a background on the need for these enhancements, the process by which assessments of these programs were conducted, stakeholder engagement, and key recommendations or outcomes from the assessments.
  • Christopher Regan, Deputy Director, Division of Fuel Management, NMSS/NRC tel: 301-415-2768, e-mail: Christopher.Regan@nrc.gov
  • Tomeka Terry, Project Manager, Inspection and Oversight Branch, Division of Fuel Management, NMSS/NRC tel: 301-415-1488, e-mail: Tomeka.Terry@nrc.gov

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, December 29, 2020