W18 Powering the Future by Advancing Nuclear Codes and Standards

As new nuclear power plant designs come to market and the current U.S. light-water reactor fleet ages, the codes and standards for design, operation, and maintenance must evolve to ensure utilities safely and efficiently produce nuclear power. In parallel, the NRC is considering transformative changes to 10 CFR 50.55a that will improve usability and allow burden reduction activities without a reduction in safety. This session will discuss the innovative ways in which the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the NRC staff are moving to produce and endorse codes and standards that will ensure safe, efficient, and effective nuclear power generation.
  • Louise Lund, Director, Division of Engineering, RES/NRC tel: 301-415-1896, e-mail: David.Rudland@nrc.gov
  • Matthew Homiack, Materials Engineer, Component Integrity Branch, Division of Engineering, RES/NRC tel: 301-415-2427, e-mail: Matthew.Homiack@nrc.gov

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, December 31, 2020