T5 Nuclear Power Plants: Is 80 the New 60?
This session will explore outstanding technical issues associated with long-term operation and subsequent license renewal. Research results, ongoing research, and regulatory lessons learned will be summarized. The session will describe transition efforts within the U.S. Department of Energy, the Electric Power Research Institute, and the NRC to move research related to subsequent license renewal into our regular processes for aging management of nuclear power plant structures, systems, and components.
- Anna Bradford, Director, Division of New and Renewed Licenses, NRR/NRC tel: 301-415-1560, e-mail: Anna.Bradford@nrc.gov
Anna Bradford, Director, Division of New and Renewed Licenses, NRR/NRC
- Alison Hahn, Federal Program Manager, Light Water Reactor Sustainability, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy
- Sherry Bernhoft, Senior Program Manager, Electric Power Research Institute
- Louise Lund, Director, Division of Engineering, RES/NRC
- Mark Sartain, Vice President - Nuclear Engineering and Fleet Support, Dominion Energy
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, September 08, 2021