TH37 Discrimination: Insights from Recent Cases
The NRC places a high value on nuclear industry employees being free to raise potential safety concerns to licensee management without fear of discrimination. This unlawful adverse action taken against employees for raising safety concerns may create a “chilling effect” on the employee or other workers who may wish to raise concerns.
Several cases of discrimination have been substantiated by the NRC in recent years. Discussion of these cases will be provided by the NRC’s Offices of the General Counsel, Investigations, and Enforcement. Further, licensee representatives will provide insights on recent cases and actions taken to prevent discrimination and potential chilling effects. This will include a discussion of best practices used to maintain a healthy safety-conscious work environment.
- Catherine Thompson, Safety Culture Specialist, Concerns Resolution Branch, OE/NRC tel: 301-287-9515, e-mail:
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, December 31, 2020