TH38 I&C…Analog Need Not Apply!
Nuclear utilities are leaving analog in the past and pursuing digital technologies to modernize the instrumentation and controls of the existing fleet of reactors. In parallel, a seamless digital environment is envisioned for plant operations, including the integration of plant information and processes, to enable a reduced and more efficient workforce. This is crucial as plants embark into operations well beyond 60 years. This year’s session will be hosted by the Director of the Division of Engineering and External Hazards, Eric Benner. He will engage selected national and international leaders in a productive dialogue on digital plant modernization. The guests will discuss their vision of what a digitally modernized nuclear plant will look like at 60 years of life, and efforts to leave behind the analog mindset in technologies, operations, and regulatory approvals. To enhance the dialogue, the host will also welcome questions from the audience.
- Eric Benner, Director, Division of Engineering and External Hazards, NRR/NRC tel: 301-415-3298, e-mail:
Eric Benner, Director, Division of Engineering and External Hazards, NRR/NRC
- Scot Greenlee, Senior Vice President, Engineering and Technical Support, Exelon
- Bruce Hallbert, Director of DOE Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program, U.S. Department of Energy
- H.M. “Hash” Hashemian, President and Chief Executive Officer, Analysis and Measurements Services
- Gregory de La Grange, I&C Safety Engineer, Nuclear Safety Division, Systems and Risk Assessment Department, Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety
- William Roggenbrodt, Electronics Engineer, Digital I&C, Instrumentation, Controls and Electronics Branch, Division of Engineering and External Hazards, NRR/NRC tel: 301-415-0678, e-mail:
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, December 31, 2020