Ho K. Nieh
Mr. Ho Nieh is the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Mr. Nieh joined the NRC in 1997 as a resident inspector and conducted safety inspections at pressurized water and boiling water reactors. His management experience includes responsibilities for the NRC’s Reactor Oversight Process, emergency preparedness, licensing and rulemaking, control room operator licensing, operating experience, emergency response, research and test reactor oversight, and decommissioning funding. Mr. Nieh also served as the Chief of Staff for an NRC Commissioner and was the Director of the Division of Reactor Projects in NRC’s Region 1 office where he was responsible for the resident inspectors. He also served as the Director of the Division of Inspection and Regional Support in NRR. Most recently and prior to Mr. Nieh’s return to NRC, he was Director of the Nuclear Energy Agency’s Division of Nuclear Safety, Technology and Regulation, where he was responsible for international cooperation in regulatory policy, safety research, and new reactor regulatory reviews. Mr. Nieh also worked at the International Atomic Energy Agency as a Communications Advisor in the Department of Nuclear Safety and Security.
Mr. Nieh holds a Bachelor's degree in Marine Engineering from the New York Maritime College. Mr. Nieh is a graduate of the United States Naval Nuclear Power School and attended Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for graduate studies in nuclear engineering. Mr. Nieh also holds a Masters of Business Administration from the Johns Hopkins University.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, December 29, 2020