Michael Case
Mr. Case serves as the Director of the Division of Safety Analysis in the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). He manages a diverse of set of research programs affecting the safety of the Nation’s nuclear power plants. These programs include a broad range of disciplines such as thermal hydraulics, severe accidents, computational fluid dynamics, offsite accident consequences, and radiation protection. Mr. Case has also recently served as the RES director of engineering as well as the deputy director of the international program office. In his 12 years as a senior executive, he has also served in a range of roles in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. Prior to his NRC experience, Mr. Case worked for eight years at a commercial nuclear power plant including being licensed as a Senior Reactor Operator. Mr. Case also served in the United States Navy’s nuclear power program.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, December 31, 2020