Shannon Rafferty-Czincilla
Shannon has over 20 years of experience in the Nuclear industry. She started her career at Limerick Generating Station and held positions as an engineering Systems & Program Manager. Shannon has held several engineering and management positions in the corporate Licensee Renewal group where she successfully extended the operating licenses for Oyster Creek, Salem, Hope Creek, Limerick & LaSalle. Shannon has served as the Executive Assistant to the Senior VP of Mid-Atlantic operations where she focused on improving plant performance and overall organizational effectiveness at Limerick, Peach Bottom and TMI. Shannon was the technical lead and project manager for the Exelon fleet 50.69 pilot program and was responsible for establishing the 50.69 corporate engineering team. She was the Vice Chair of the 50.69 PWR/BWR Owners Group working group and the Exelon representative on the NEI 50.69 task force. Shannon later transitioned to the Senior Manager of Risk Informed applications and External hazards where she was responsible for the submittal of 50.69 and Risk Informed Completion Time (RICT) LARs for the Fleet. During this time Exelon received approval of the 1st RICT SE and 1st 50.69 SE since the industry pilots. In addition, she participated in the development of the EPRI Seismic Alternative for 50.69 and submitted & received NRC approval of the 1st plant to utilize this methodology. Prior to her current role Shannon was the Senior Engineering Manager responsible for Exelon’s Fleet Equipment Reliability. Currently, Shannon is the Director of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs where she is responsible for the corporate governance and oversight of the six Exelon Nuclear Stations in the Mid-Atlantic and the Northeast areas. Shannon graduated from Lehigh University with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and has her SRO certification at Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, December 31, 2020