Scott Morris
Mr. Morris has been serving as the Regional Administrator (RA) for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC's) Region IV office, located in Arlington, TX, since December 2018, and has nearly 34 years of combined public and military service. Mr. Morris joined the NRC in 1993 after nearly seven years of active duty in the U.S. Navy's submarine force. During his NRC career, Mr. Morris has filled many staff-level roles, including Resident and Senior Resident Inspector at two Region I sites, and Executive Technical Assistant in the Office of the Executive Director for Operations, and Chief of the Reactor Security Branch in the Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR). In 2007, Mr. Morris was appointed to his first executive-level position as the Deputy Director for Security Policy in NSIR. Later he served as the Deputy Director for Preparedness and Response in NSIR. In 2014, Mr. Morris was promoted the Director of the Division of Inspection and Regional Support in the Office of Nuclear Regulation. In 2016 Mr. Morris was promoted again to Deputy Regional Administrator in Region IV. He has also performed rotational assignments in the Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards and the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research.
Mr. Morris was an active member of the working group that conceived, developed and implemented (as part of a pilot program) the Reactor Oversight Process in 1990-2000. Later, as the Director of NRR/DIRS in 2014-2016, he was responsible for developing and implementing numerous enhancements to the ROP to improve its efficiency and effectiveness. As the Region IV RA, he is charged with implementing the ROP at 18 power reactor facilities.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, December 29, 2020