Gregory de La Grange

In 2004, Mr. Gregory de la Grange began working as a software developer for an aircraft communication systems supplier. During that period, he worked on the avionic standard DO-178-B, Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification. In 2007, he joined the Institute for Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN), the organization responsible for the safe use of French nuclear reactors, specifically focusing on I&C technical assessments. Since 2014, he serves as the main reviewer of I&C Systems for the EPR which is under construction in Flamanville, France. Additionally, Mr. de la Grange serves as the French representative to the international working group on DI&C (WGDIC) at NEA and he has also participated for several years on the EPR DI&C technical expert subgroup (EPR DI&C TESG) of the Multinational Design Evaluation Programme (MDEP).

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, January 04, 2021