Douglas True

Doug True is NEI’s chief nuclear officer and senior vice president of generation and suppliers.

True is a veteran of the nuclear industry with more than 30 years of experience in nuclear regulatory policy and implementation, playing a substantial role in U.S. policies and regulatory activities ranging from the industry response to challenges like Fukushima and 9/11 to major contributions to the formation and implementation of risk-informed regulation.

Prior to joining NEI, he served as executive vice president of the Power Services Group at Jensen Hughes Inc.  In this position, he was responsible for one of the largest specialty engineering organizations in the nuclear industry covering a broad range of analysis, testing, design and research consulting services. True has served on the NEI board of directors since 2016, and has been a contributor to NEI, Electric Power Research Institute, Institute of Nuclear Power Operations and federal government guidance on a broad spectrum of technical and regulatory issues.

True earned a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, December 29, 2020