David Desaulniers

Dr. Desaulniers is a senior level scientist at the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).  He currently serves as NRC’s Senior Technical Advisor for Human Factors and Human Performance Evaluation, advising NRC’s senior management and staff on complex and emerging issues concerning human factors and human performance in nuclear safety.  During the past 30+ years his work has addressed a wide range of technical and policy issues where there is a nexus between the design and operation of nuclear power plants, human and organizational performance, and the protection of public health and safety.  Dr. Desaulniers also serves as the Chair of IEEE/NPEC Subcommittee 5, Human Factors, Control Facilities and Human Reliability, and leads the NEA/WGHOF task group on Human and Organizational Factors Lessons-Learned from the Implementation of Post-Fukushima Actions.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, January 04, 2021