Olivier Marchand

Olivier Marchand graduated from the French Engineering school "Ecole Centrale Paris" in 1993.

He joined CEA in 1994.  He worked for 45 years on the behavior of fast neutron reactors in accidental conditions. 

He joined IRSN in 1999 to work on the modeling of severe accidents in Light Water Reactors.

In 2008 he became head of the fuel study laboratory and he was in particular in charge of scientific part of the OECD Cabri International Program.

In 2016, he became deputy head of the reactor transients and Accidents Department and he was in charge of R&D activities on simulation of fuel behavior and ageing of nuclear materials.

Since September 2019, he has been program manager at the nuclear safety division for safety research and he is in charge of fuel, thermal-hydraulics, core physics, criticality and severe accidents research activities.

He is also co-chair of the Working Group on Fuel Safety of OECD/CSNI/NEA.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, January 04, 2021