Ana Gomez Cobo

Ana Gomez Cobo has been working in nuclear safety for over 34 years. During the first years of her career she conducted probabilistic safety assessments (PSA) for nuclear power plants (NPPs). From 1995 to 2000 she worked for the International Atomic Energy Agency where she was a technical officer responsible for activities on PSA, safety performance indicators and safety related maintenance for NPPs. Ana joined the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) in 2000 where she has undertaken specialist assessment and project inspection work related to UK's operating reactors and new nuclear build. In 2012 she was seconded to the UK Government's Department of Energy and Climate Change where she provided NPP technology expertise. Ana is now an ONR Superintending Inspector within the New Reactors Division; she is Head of HPR1000 Regulation and Advanced Nuclear Technologies Projects.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, December 31, 2020