Aaron Martin

Aaron Martin started his career in nuclear technology at Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant in North Texas following college. His tenure at the facility included work and leadership positions in design engineering, safety analysis, engineering fix-it-now teams, and  NSSS System Engineering. He has worked extensively in power reactor licensing, design basis, design control and configuration management, and a diverse spectrum of industry initiatives including most notably the Generic Letter 2008-01 industry response.

In 2018, he joined the TerraPower team as the reactor system lead for the Traveling Wave Reactor, and has served as a system design engineer for the TWR and other nuclear technology-based projects. During this time, he was also a primary author of TerraPower's Systems Engineering implementation and revised Design Control processes.

He is currently a member of the ASME Plant System Design Standard committee, as well as a member of the System Engineering Design Integration and Probabilistic Design Method subcommittees.

Aaron is a graduate of the Vanderbilt School of Engineering with a Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, December 31, 2020