Navigating Rulemaking-Related Documents

The NRC began managing rulemaking-related actions on the Government-wide Web site in January 2008. The public can submit comments on NRC rulemaking actions through that site, as follows:

  • Search for NRC Rules Available for Comment:
    • On the home page, type "NRC" in the "Search" box and select Search.
    • To see NRC rules available for comment, at the minimum, select the "Only show documents open for comment" box, select "Proposed Rule" in the "Docket Type" section, and select "Nuclear Regulatory Commission" in the "Agency" section.
  • Search for a Specific Rule or Action:

    Depending on how much you know about the rule, try the following search techniques:
    • If you know the NRC Docket ID for the rule or action, enter it into the "Search" box and select Search.
    • If you don't know the NRC Docket ID, enter a title or keyword in the "Search" box and select Search. Then, narrow the search results by selecting "Nuclear Regulatory Commission" in the "Agency" section.

    See also Rulemaking Dockets or Petition for Rulemaking Dockets.
  • Submit a Comment:

    Open a document for comment, and select the "Comment" button under the title on the left side. A comment form will open. You can submit your comment and up to 20 files. (See the "FAQs" link for more information.)
  • Get Email Updates:

    The Web site allows users to receive notifications when documents are added to a docket. You must register for notifications for every docket you're interested in. To do so, perform a search for the desired action (as described above). On the search results page, select the "Docket" tab to open the docket folder of the action of interest (the "Documents" tab is the default selection). Click on the link to the docket. Once inside the docket, select the "Subscribe" button near the top of the page. Fill in the registration form with your email address and select Subscribe to complete the registration process.
  • Related Dockets on

    Sometimes multiple NRC dockets may be related to each other. To determine if a relationship exists between multiple dockets, once inside any NRC docket on, you may view the docket details by selecting the "Docket Details" tab (selected by default).
  • Additional Suggestions:

    Select the "FAQs" link in the yellow Information box at the top of the home page to display a list of helpful topics. The page contains two tabs: General FAQs and Site FAQs. You can send a message or get help by clicking on the "Support" button at the top of the home page.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, April 05, 2022