How NRC Will Process Your Request
Based on a review of the information you provide, the NRC will take the following actions:
- Perform an acceptance review to confirm that you have provided the necessary information regarding the ICR for the staff to review and make a decision.
- Submit your ICR for review to an Initial Review Official (IRO) who is knowledgeable of the subject matter related to your ICR and who normally will be at the Branch Chief level and, in most cases, a member of the Senior Executive Service.
- Consult with other Federal agencies or NRC staff in responding to your ICR, as appropriate.
- Determine whether an error exists and a correction is warranted and, if so, what action will be taken.
- Notify you as soon as possible within the 45 day period if the ICR requires more than 45 calendar days to resolve. The NRC will inform you that more time is required, state the reason why, and include an estimated decision date.
- Notify you of the agency's final decision regarding your ICR within 45 calendar days by letter, e-mail, or fax. The NRC's response will explain the findings of the review and any actions that the NRC will take.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, August 17, 2017