How To Submit a Request for an Appeal

NRC Receipt and Review of Appeals to Information Correction Request Decisions

If the Information Quality Coordinator (IQC) determines that the Information Correction Request (ICR) does not meet the acceptance criteria, the requester will be informed why the ICR was not accepted and how to appeal this decision.

  • Any NRC employee who receives an appeal to an ICR will immediately forward it to the IQC.
  • When the IQC receives an appeal, it will be marked with the date of receipt and assigned a sequential case number to be used as the reference in all matters about the appeal ICR.
  • The IQC will perform an acceptance review within 5 calendar days that will include—
    • Determining if the submitter of the appeal is the original requester.
    • Determining if all the necessary information on which the appeal review will be performed was included with the ICR.
  • If the IQC determines that the appeal does meet the acceptance criteria, the requester will be informed that the appeal has been accepted and the anticipated completion date.
  • If the IQC determines that the appeal does not meet the acceptance criteria, the requester will be informed why the appeal was not accepted and given the anticipated completion date.
  • If the appeal is accepted, the IQC will assign the appeal to the office that is knowledgeable of the information in question, typically the office that made the determination on the initial ICR.
  • The Information Office Coordinator (IOC) will assign the appeal for evaluation to a management official, typically at the division director level, who is a member of the Senior Executive Service and who, in most cases, does not supervise the management official who was responsible for the initial response to the ICR.
  • The management official will limit the appeal review to the basis of the appeal and may consult with other Federal agencies or NRC employees in responding to the appeal, as appropriate.
  • The management official will determine whether a correction is warranted and, if so, what action will be taken and will provide that response to the IOC.

Responding to the Requester

  • The IQC will provide the response to the requester via letter or e-mail within 30 calendar days. The response will contain the management official's determination. If the appeal requires more than 30 calendar days to resolve, the IQC will inform the requester that more time is required, state the reason why, and include an estimated decision date.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, July 08, 2020