NRC Open Government Directive Milestone Inventory

As part of Evaluating Our Progress, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regularly monitors and evaluates our progress in meeting the milestones set forth in our Open Government Plan, as we continue to implement The NRC Approach to Open Government. This page summarizes the latest milestone inventory, using the following categories for consistency with the objectives of the Open Government Directive issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB):

For publication dates and download statistics regarding our high-value datasets, see NRC High-Value Dataset Metrics. For statistics related to our success in engaging the public and other NRC stakeholders through the use of social media, see NRC Social Media Metrics.


Commitment Milestone Date Citation in Plan Assigned to Status Comments
Make revisions to reactor-specific Web pages in the "Facility Information Finder" 30-Jun-10 Section III.A.2 OPA Completed In addition to basic information about the plant’s location, owner, operator, reactor type, plant safety assessments, inspections, and daily plant status, the Web site provides plant diagrams and identifies relevant NRC press releases, key correspondence, fact sheets, briefings, past and planned meetings, and links to related information and resources.
Publish Application Schedule for New Reactors (monthly) 30-Jul-10 Appendix C: Table 2-3 NRO Completed See the Dataset and Data Dictionary
Publish Expected New Nuclear Power Plant Applications (monthly) 30-Jul-10 Appendix C: Table 2-3 NRO Completed See the Dataset and Data Dictionary.
Publish Two-Year Schedule of Emergency Preparedness Exercises (as needed) 30-Jul-10 Appendix C: Table 2-3 NSIR Completed Published as: "NRC Biennial Evaluated Emergency Exercise Schedule"
Review treatment of certain categories of documents that are exempt from the 6-day release policy 31-Aug-10 Section III.B.5 OIS Completed While no changes have been recommended to the current list of exempted document types, calculation of the 6-day release performance measure has been adjusted to encourage offices to release documents in exempted categories within the 6-day period whenever possible.
Publish Reactor Plant Status Reports for Operating Reactors for the last 365 days (daily) 30-Sep-10 Appendix C: Table 2-3 NRR Completed See the Dataset and Data Dictionary.
Publish Uranium Recovery Facility Applications in Review (annually) 30-Sep-10 Appendix C: Table 2-3 FSME Completed Combined with:"Status of Uranium Recovery Facility Applications and Letters of Intent"
Publish Status of Uranium Recovery Facility Applications and Letters of Intent (annually) 30-Sep-10 Appendix C: Table 2-3 FSME Completed See the Data Dictionary.
Publish List of Nuclear Materials Licensing Actions Received (monthly) 30-Sep-10 Appendix C: Table 2-3 FSME Completed See the Dataset and Data Dictionary.
Publish Estimated Schedules for Uranium Enrichment License Applications (quarterly) 30-Sep-10 Appendix C: Table 2-3 NMSS Completed Divided into two data sets: AREVA Schedule/GE Schedule.
Publish Fire Event Data from Licensee Event Reports (semiannually) 30-Sep-10 Appendix C: Table 2-3 RES Completed See the Dataset and Data Dictionary.
Publish Findings From Fire Inspections for the Period from January 2000 to December 2008 (semiannually) 30-Sep-10 Appendix C: Table 2-3 RES Completed See the Dataset and Data Dictionary.
Publish Event Reports for Operating Reactors (monthly) 30-Sep-10 Appendix C: Table 2-3 NRR Completed See the Dataset and Data Dictionary.
Publish (underlying data) Performance Indicators for Operating Reactors (quarterly) 30-Sep-11 Appendix C: Table 2-3 NRR Completed Publication date in OG plan incorrectly noted as September 30, 2010 instead of September 30, 2011 (Ref. PS email to SR, 9/1/2010). Actual publication date was October 17, 2011.
See the Dataset and Data DictionaryLearn more…
Publish (underlying data) Generic Safety Issues (annually) 30-Sep-11 Appendix C: Table 2-3 RES Completed Deferred from 9/30/2011 to 11/30/2011.
Develop a communications plan that describes the approach and means that the NRC will use to communicate with internal and external stakeholders regarding the NRC's activities and progress on Open Government 31-Oct-10 Commitment will be included in Version 1.2 of NRC's OGP Advisory Group Completed Communications Plan approved by D. Ash Oct. 12th, and published on OG SharePoint site.
Assess with NARA the establishment of an affiliated archive for ADAMS records 31-Oct-10 Section V.B.1 OIS Completed NRC completed the assessment of the procedures necessary to establish an affiliated archive.
Institutionalize a process for identifying, prioritizing, and publishing the NRC’s high-value data-sets in open format, taking into account the public’s input on the types of data that would be of value, and ensuring that appropriate information security reviews are completed before publication 31-Jan-11 Appendix D OIS Completed Milestone date moved from Oct. 2010 to Jan. 2011 to provide for review by OGAG before finalizing procedures. The agency process for identifying, prioritizing, and publishing NRC high value datasets has been developed, reviewed in January by the agency's Open Government Advisory Council, and implemented. Program offices are reviewing potential high value datasets for inclusion into the NRC’s high value dataset catalog.
Make available a new Web-based Google search tool for NRC’s public documents in ADAMS 31-Dec-10 Section III.B.5 OIS Completed Originally due 09/30/2010 – Requested extension to 12/31/2010, approved DA 8/16. Unified Public Web Search deployed 12/20/2010.
Publish (underlying data) Nuclear Power Plant Inspection Reports— Inspection reports are already available in ADAMS and are also provided in a special index by Power Plant in the Reactor Oversight Section of the NRC public Web site (quarterly) 31-Dec-10 Appendix C: Table 2-3 NRR Completed See the Dataset and Data Dictionary.
Complete the NRC public Web site redesign 31-Mar-11 thru 30-Nov-11 Section III.B.6 OIS Completed The NRC’s Public Site Redesign was deployed on April 15, 2011.
Publish Status of NRC-Regulated Complex Materials Sites Undergoing Decommissioning (maintains information about complex decommissioning sites during the decontamination and license termination process) 30-Apr-11 N/A FSME Completed Added to dataset inventory subsequent to publication of plan.
Publish Significant Enforcement Actions 31-May-11 N/A OE Completed Added to dataset inventory subsequent to publication of plan
Complete inventory of agency high-value datasets and establish a timeline for publication 30-Jun-11 Commitment will be included in Version 1.2 of NRC's OGP OIS Completed For dataset publication dates and download statistics, see NRC High-Value Dataset Metrics.
Publish key documents related to the Waste Incidental to Reprocessing Program (annually) 30-Sep-11 Appendix C: Table 2-3 FSME Completed See the Dataset and Data Dictionary.
Publish status of environmental reviews to meet the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act 30-Sep-11 Appendix C: Table 2-3 FSME Completed See the Dataset and Data Dictionary.
In accordance with the Open Government Directive, the NRC will update this plan every 2 years 7-Apr-12 Section I Advisory Group Completed See Addendum 1: Activities for 2012 – 2013.
Release an annual report describing the NRC’s compliance with the Plain Writing Act of 2010 Apr-12 (annually thereafter) Addendum 1 OEDO Completed See the NRC’s Plain Writing Action Plan Compliance Reports.
Publish the results of the Public Document Room survey 31-May-12
(semiannually thereafter)
Addendum 1 OIS/IRSD Assigned Pending OMB Clearance
Maintain high-value datasets and publish monthly usage statistics Ongoing Addendum 1 OIS/BPIAD Assigned See NRC’s High-Value Datasets and NRC High-Value Dataset Metrics.
Make Existing High-Value Data and Content Available through Web APIs: Identify at least two existing major customer-facing services 31-Aug-12 Addendum 1 OIS/BPIAD Completed See the NRC Digital Government Progress Report.
Make Existing High-Value Data and Content Available through Web APIs: Implement Web APIs 31-May-13 Addendum 1 OIS/BPIAD Assigned See the NRC Digital Government Progress Report.
Improve Priority Customer Facing Services for Mobile Use: Identify at least two existing priority customer-facing services to optimize for mobile use 31-Aug-12 Addendum 1 OIS/BPIAD Completed See the NRC Digital Government Progress Report.
Improve Priority Customer Facing Services for Mobile Use: Optimize at least two existing priority customer-facing services for mobile use, and publish a plan for improving additional existing services 31-May-13 Addendum 1 OIS/BPIAD Assigned See the NRC Digital Government Progress Report.

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Commitment Milestone Date Citation in Plan Assigned to Status Comments
Post the NRC’s review of ideas received through the IdeaScale public dialogue tool on the agency’s Open Government page 31-Dec-10 Appendix D OPA Completed See NRC Responses to Submitted Ideas.
Increase the number of NRC meetings that are Webcast live for public viewing during the meeting and made available in a video archive for viewing after the meeting 30-Jun-10 Section III.A.2.c ADM Completed The number of meetings that can be Webcast per annum was increased from 50 to 100.
In response to positive public feedback on the NRC’s recent Web conferencing pilot project, determine an easily expandable NRC-wide approach to support future agency Web conferencing needs. The current pilot projects will be extended until the NRC-wide solution is in place. 31-Dec-10 Section IV - Flagship Initiative OIS Completed An internal website was published that defines the types of virtual meeting services available, selection considerations, and guidance on how to use each service. Virtual meeting capacity was also increased allowing a greater number of virtual meetings to be conducted.
Continue to pilot the use of crowd-sourcing technology (e.g., IdeaScale) to increase public engagement and cultivate creative ideas to improve the NRC’s open government efforts. Determine direction for continued and expanded use. 30-Jan-11 Section IV - Flagship Initiative Advisory Group Completed

While the pilot revealed that IdeaScale was not appropriate for the NRC’s needs, it helped the agency identify other communication mechanisms that would more fully reach our Open Government communication objectives. Toward this end, the NRC is initiating two new communication tools that we believe will be more flexible and easier to use, and will do a better job of engaging the public on topics of interest related to NRC actions and policies.

The NRC’s public Blog debuted on January 28th with a welcome message from NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko. An NRC Discussion Forum will be scheduled for future deployment.

Implement new subscription-based services to allow stakeholders to keep abreast of the most current NRC news and information for topics of interest 31-Mar-11 Section IV - Flagship Initiative OIS Completed Subscription-based services have been implemented, and additional subscription items will be added over time. For details, see Subscribe to E-mail Notices and Operating Reactor Correspondence.
Gain stakeholder involvement in developing the next release of the agency’s Open Government Plan 31-Dec-11 N/A OIS Completed Hosted Stakeholder Feedback Meeting on December 6, 2012.
Launch the Flickr photo-sharing site as a component of the social media initiative 31-Jan-12 Addendum 1 OPA Completed See the NRC Flickr Gallery.
Leverage best practices from the quick response (QR) code pilot to implement their use for the Regulatory Information Conference 31-Mar-12 Addendum 1 OIS/BPIAD Completed See Public Information? There’s an App for That! (NRC Blog, 9/27/2011).
Deploy the redesigned “Documents for Comment” Web page 30-Sep-12 Addendum 1 ADM Assigned  
Standardize broad use of QR codes to support public outreach, meetings, and events based on lessons learned 30-Jun-12 Addendum 1 OIS/BPIAD Complete See p. 2 of the NRC’s Customer Service Plan.
Implement a mobile-friendly Web form for the Public Meeting Feedback System 31-Dec-12 Addendum 1 OIS/BPIAD Assigned See the NRC Digital Government Progress Report.
Develop a unified mobile strategy to support mobile capabilities for NRC staff and public stakeholders 28-Feb-13 Addendum 1 OIS/BPIAD Assigned See the NRC Digital Government Progress Report.
Identify and implement select mobile-friendly Web pages of high public interest 31-May-13 Addendum 1 OIS/IRSD Assigned See the NRC Digital Government Progress Report.

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Commitment Milestone Date Citation in Plan Assigned to Status Comments
Pilot initial use of social networking technology to foster engagement through interactive online dialogues and information exchanges 30-Jan-11 Section IV - Flagship Initiative OIS Completed The NRC has enabled staff access to LinkedIn for professional networking with colleagues outside of the agency. In addition, we have implemented a new public blog using to promote outreach and information sharing about the NRC’s mission, activities, and topics of public interest. Additional work is underway to evaluate use of other popular social media services in support of the NRC’s Open Government objectives.
Complete deployment of Web-based licensing 31-Dec-13 Addendum 1 FSME Completed

As a key component of the Integrated Source Management Portfolio (ISMP), the Web-Based Licensing (WBL) System is a materials licensing system that supports the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and Agreement States in managing the licensing information of businesses that use radioactive materials. Deployed on August 2012, WBL provides an up-to-date repository of all licenses nationwide, a web-based license system for NRC licensees, and an avenue for Agreement States to use the same licensing and information platform as the NRC. Designed to maintain information on materials licensees, WBL supports the entry of licensing information and license images that enables the NRC and Agreement States to manage the licensing life cycle from initial application through license issuance, amendment, reporting, and termination.

WBL is also used by the NRC as its materials licensing system, and can be used as a licensing system by any Agreement State that chooses to do so. In addition, this system replaces and improves upon the functionality previously embodied in several of the NRC's legacy systems, including the License Tracking System (LTS), Inspection Planning System (IPS), Reciprocity Tracking System (RTS), and Transportation Approval Package Information System (TAPIS).

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, January 21, 2022