Self-Assessment of NRC Open Government Initiative

As part of Evaluating Our Progress, consistent with the guidance provided by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) conducts periodic assessments of the agency's progress in pursuing the objectives of the OMB Directive, as we continue to implement The NRC Approach to Open Government. This page summarizes the latest assessment results, using the following categories:

For each category, the Score is based on the following criteria:

Green: Meets Expectations specified in the Open Government Directive Green: Meets Expectations specified in the Open Government Directive
Yellow: Has Demonstrated Progress toward Expectations Yellow: Has Demonstrated Progress toward Expectations
Red: Fails to Meet Expectations Red: Fails to Meet Expectations


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Category Score Underlying Rationale
High-Value Data Green: Meets Expectations specified in the Open Government Directive

As of January 15, 2010, the NRC had made four high-value datasets available through the agency's public Web site and registered them with, as listed in Table 1 of Appendix C to our Open Government Plan. Since that time, the NRC has continued to release additional high-value datasets, in accordance with the publication schedules provided in Table 2 and Table 3 of Appendix C. All of the NRC's high-value datasets and data dictionaries are available for free download in open format.

For more information, see Key External Audience Needs for NRC High-Value Datasets, which cross-references the NRC's existing and planned datasets with the agency's key audiences and their information needs.

Data Integrity Green: Meets Expectations specified in the Open Government Directive On January 19, 2010, the NRC designated Mr. Darren Ash, Deputy Executive Director for Corporate Management, to be accountable for the quality and objectivity of, and internal controls over, the Federal spending information publically disseminated through such public venues as or other similar Web sites. You can also see the full list of Senior Accountable Officials published by the White House.
Open Government Web Site Green: Meets Expectations specified in the Open Government Directive On February 4, 2010, the NRC launched a new public subsite that offers convenient access to all information related to The NRC Approach to Open Government. This subsite offers the public the following capabilities:
Public Consultation Green: Meets Expectations specified in the Open Government Directive

The NRC welcomes the public’s ideas, comments, and questions about The NRC Approach to Open Government. In particular, the NRC would welcome the following types of input:

  • Feedback on the quality of the NRC's published datasets
  • Opinions about what additional datasets the NRC should publish
  • Suggestions regarding how we can achieve the following objectives:
    • Work better with others, both inside and outside the Government
    • Solicit feedback from the public
    • Improve the availability and quality of information
    • Be more innovative and efficient
  • Comments on our Open Government Plan

In inviting the public to Share Your Ideas, the NRC offers a variety of options, including our NRC Blog, our Online Comment Form, traditional mail, fax, and telephone communication. Hosted on the third-party WordPress site, the NRC Blog is an easy-to-use citizen-engagement tool, which enables you to share your ideas with the NRC in a moderated forum. The NRC Blog can also be accessed on mobile devices (such as smart phones) by entering the site address ( in the mobile device’s Web browser. In addition, the NRC encourages all agency staff to participate in the dialogue and actively support public engagement. The NRC’s Office of Public Affairs will also interact and work with the public and agency staff in response to feedback received through the various contact vehicles.

Open Government Plan Green: Meets Expectations specified in the Open Government Directive

On April 7, 2010, the NRC issued a news release unveiling the agency's first formal Open Government Plan, which reiterated our longstanding commitment to openness; expanded upon The NRC Approach to Open Government; and outlined plans for new transparency, participation, and collaboration initiatives. In releasing this plan, the agency also invited the public and agency staff to Share Your Ideas on the plan and provide suggestions regarding how the NRC can be more transparent, participatory, and collaborative.

Then, after incorporating feedback received from the public and other stakeholders, the agency issued Revision 1.1 of our Open Government Plan on June 7, 2010. With the issuance of this revision, the agency invited stakeholders once again to Share Your Ideas about this evolving plan, or see what others have contributed.

Each revision of the NRC's Open Government Plan is available in both PDF and XML (.docx) formats, and its official agency record is available through the NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS). For the current and previous revisions, see The NRC's Open Government Plan.

In addition, as requested by OMB, the NRC completed an initial Open Government Plan Self-Evaluation on April 23, 2010. That self-evaluation was based on 30 criteria drawn directly from the Open Government Directive. The NRC met all expectations (Green) for 28 of the 30 criteria, and demonstrated progress toward expectations (Yellow) for the remaining 2 criteria (Criteria 9 and 24). Since that time, the NRC has met all expectations (Green) for those 2 final criteria, as indicated in our updated Open Government Plan Self-Evaluation.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, December 8, 2021