Commission Orders for 2000

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Number Licensee Docket Date/
Docket No.
CLI-00-25 Millstone 12/21/2000/
Commission Memorandum and Order remanding a motion to reopen the record filed by the intervenors to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for this proceeding for disposition.
CLI-00-24 Private Fuel Storage 12/20/2000/
Commission Memorandum providing clarification on the scope and timing of petitions for review under 10 C.F.R. ยง2.786(b).
CLI-00-23 Turkey Point 11/27/2000/
Commission Order referring petitions to intervene in this license renewal proceeding to the Chief Administrative Judge of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel for assignment of an Atomic Safety and Licensing Board to rule on petitions and, in the event a hearing is granted, to conduct further proceedings.
CLI-00-22 FitzPatrick and Indian Point 3 11/27/2000/
Commission Memorandum and Order granting requests for hearing in this license transfer proceeding and directing the Chief Administrative Judge of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel to appoint a Presiding Officer to conduct the proceeding.
CLI-00-21 Private Fuel Storage 11/17/2000/
Commission Memorandum and Order affirming orders of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for this proceeding that denied petitions to intervene filed by William D. Peterson.
CLI-00-20 Vermont Yankee 10/06/2000/
Commission Memorandum and Order denying the intervention petitions of the Vermont Department of Public Service and the Citizens Awareness Network (CAN). The Order also dismissed various requests of CAN for a stay of the transfer proceeding and denied CAN's motion to conduct any hearing under 10 CFR, Part 2, Subpart G.
CLI-00-19 Monticello, Prairie Island and Prairie Island Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation 09/13/2000/
50-263-LT, 50-282-LT, 50-306-LT, and 72-10-LT (consolidated)
Commission Memorandum and Order denying the request of petitioners Carol Overland and the North American Water Officer for reconsideration of CLI-00-14.
CLI-00-18 Millstone 09/13/2000/
Commission Memorandum and Order denying the request for hearing of the Connecticut Coalition Against Millstone and the Long Island Coalition Against Millstone. The decision also denied petitioners' request for a stay and request for an independent Commission investigation of the NRC staff's license transfer decision.
CLI-00-17 Vermont Yankee 08/30/2000/
Commission Memorandum and Order granting the motion of the Citizens Awareness Network (CAN) for clarification of the NRC staff's procedures for approving license transfers and denying CAN's request for a stay and investigation of staff's license transfer approval process. This order also granted a motion of CAN to strike the final paragraph of a status report filed by the applicants.
CLI-00-16 Transnuclear, Inc. 08/24/2000/
Commission Memorandum and Order denying the intervention request of the Nuclear Control Institute and authorizing the issuance of a license to Transnuclear, Inc. for the export of highly enriched uranium (HEU) to the Netherlands for use in the Petten reactor. The Executive Branch is to make an annual report to the Commission on the status of the effort to convert from the use of HEU to low-enriched uranium.
CLI-00-15 Hydro Resources 08/21/2000/
Commission Memorandum and Order denying intervenors' motion for partial reconsideration of CLI-00-08.
CLI-00-14 Monticello, Prairie Island and Prairie Island Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation 08/01/2000/
50-263-LT, 50-282-LT, 50-306-LT and 72-10-LT (consolidated)
Commission Memorandum and Order denying petitions to intervene. The intervenors are authorized by this order to file a consolidated request for reconsideration.
CLI-00-13 Private Fuel Storage 08/01/2000/
Commission Memorandum and Order affirming in part and reversing in part the ruling on financial qualifications in LBP-00-06. The Commission remanded the issue on financial assurance. The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for Private Fuel Storage (PFS) is to require PFS to produce a sample service contract that meets the license conditions for financial assurance. The intervenors are to be given an opportunity to address the adequacy of the sample service contract after its production.
CLI-00-12 Hydro Resources 07/10/2000/
Commission Memorandum and Order denying intervenors' petitions for review of LBP-99-18, LBP-99-19 and Section II of LBP-99-30. The Commission further denied intervenors' motion to reopen the record in the proceeding to consider evidence of standards for concentrations of uranium in drinking water. The Commission also requested responses to several questions related to the relevance of the decision in HRI v. EPA to the Hydro Resources proceeding.
CLI-00-11 Shearon Harris 06/20/2000/
Commission Memorandum and Order dismissing without prejudice the petition for interlocutory review of LBP-00-12, filed by intervenor Board of Commissioners of Orange County, North Carolina.
CLI-00-10 Graystar, Inc. 06/13/2000/
SSD 99-27
Commission Memorandum and Order referring a hearing request of GrayStar, Inc. to the Chief Judge of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel for the appointment of a presiding officer to consider the hearing request under the Commission's 10 CFR Subpart L rules of procedure.
CLI-00-09 Nine Mile Point 06/13/2000/
50-220 & 50-410
Commission Order dismissing this license transfer proceeding.
CLI-00-08 Hydro Resources 05/25/2000/
Commission Memorandum and Order finding that Hydro Resources, Inc. (HRI) must submit an adequate financial assurance plan for NRC approval. Use of the license issued to HRI is prohibited until a financial plan is approved and in place. The Commission order also addressed several motions and requests of the parties.
CLI-00-07 Moab Mill Reclamation Trust 05/03/2000/
Commission Memorandum and Order denying the request of John Darke for a hearing on the transfer of the Source Material License of Atlas Corporation to the Moab Mill Reclamation Trust.
CLI-00-06 Oyster Creek 05/03/2000/
Commission Memorandum and Order denying the petition of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service to intervene in this license transfer proceeding. The petitioner sought intervention in the proposed transfer of the facility operating license of GPU Nuclear, Inc. for the Oyster Creek plant and the interest of Jersey Central Power & Light Company to the AmerGen Energy Company, LLC.
CLI-00-05 Zion 03/30/2000/
50-295 and 50-304
Commission Memorandum and Order denying the request of the petitioners to intervene in an exemption proceeding and for lack of standing
CLI-00-04 International Uranium (USA) Corporation 03/30/
40-8681-MLA-5 and 40-8681-MLA-6
Commission Order affirming LBP-99-11 and LBP-99-20 which found that Envirocare of Utah, Inc. lacked standing to intervene in two proceedings on the grounds of economic harm or competitor injury. By this order the proceeding in 40-8681-MLA-6 is terminated.
CLI-00-03 Michel A. Philippon 03/02/2000/
Commission Memorandum and Order reversing LBP-99-44 and remanding the proceeding to the Presiding Officer for further consideration.
CLI-00-02 Private Fuel Storage 03/02/2000/
Commission Memorandum and Order denying the request of the State of Utah for interlocutory review of LBP-99-43, a decision of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board which denied a request by Utah for admission of a late-filed amended contention.
CLI-00-01 International Uranium (USA) Corporation 2/10/2000/
Commission Memorandum and Order affirming LBP-99-05, the decision of the Presiding Officer which found that the NRC staff appropriately granted a license amendment to International Uranium (USA) Corporation for the extraction of uranium from uranium-bearing material removed from the Ashland 2 Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program site in Tonawanda, New York.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, March 27, 2020