Part 1 - Morning Session
NRC Staff Presentation:
Larry Camper, Director, Division of Waste Management and Environmental Protection, FSME
Jim Kennedy, Sr. Project Manager, LLW Branch, FSME
Steve Garry, Sr. Health Physicist, Reactor Inspection Branch, NRR
John Buckley, Sr. Project Manager, Reactor Decommissioning Branch, FSME
Dan Collins, Deputy Dir, Div. of Nuclear Materials Safety, Region I
Mike Ryan, Chair, Radiation Protection and Nuclear Materials Subcommittee, ACRS
Federal Representatives Panel:
Frank Marcinowski, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regulatory Compliance, Department of Environmental Management, DOE
Abigail Cuthbertson, Project Manager, Offsite Source Recovery Program, Office of Global Threat Reduction, National Nuclear Security Administration, DOE
Part 2 - Afternoon Session
State Regulators:
Mike Dunn, Manager, Radioactive Materials Licensing Group, Texas Department of State Health Services, and Organization of Agreement States (OAS)
Debbie Gilley, Florida Bureau of Radiation Control, Past Chair, Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD)
Susan Jablonski, Director, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), Radioactive Materials Division
Leonard Slosky, Chair-Elect of Low Level Waste Forum, and Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain Board
LLW Generators and Other Stakeholders Panel:
Mike Blevins, Chief Operating Officer, Luminant and Chair of NEI's Executive Working Group on Radiation Safety, LLW and Environmental Protection
Mike Zittle, Campus Radiation Safety Officers, Representative and Assistant Radiation Safety Officer, Oregon State University
Roy Brown, Senior Director, Federal Affairs, Council on Radionuclides and Radiopharmaceuticals (CORAR)
CORAR Position Paper on LLRW
CORAR Position Paper on Mixed Waste
CORAR Summary of LLRW
Diane D'Arrigo, Radioactive Waste Project Director, Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Additional Materials:
Waste Control Specialists, LLC, Letter to the NRC 4/6/09
California Radioactive Materials Management Forum, Letter to the NRC 4/7/09
California Radioactive Materials Management Forum, Letter to the NRC 4/9/09
California Radioactive Materials Management Forum, Letter to the NRC 4/15/09
California Radioactive Materials Management Forum, Letter to the NRC 4/16/09
State of South Carolina, Letter to the NRC 4/22/09
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Forum, Inc, Letter to the NRC 4/23/09
EnergySolutions, Letter to the NRC 5/12/09
Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, Letter to the NRC 5/29/09
Studsvik, Inc., Letter to the NRC 8/7/09
Waste Control Specialists, LLC, Letter to the NRC 9/22/09
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, February 08, 2017