December |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
12/01/1999 |
S-99-037 |
Keynote Address for 1999 State Liaison Officers' National Meeting, by Dr. Richard A. Meserve |
November |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
11/15/1999 |
S-99-038 |
Benefits of Safety-focused Regulation for 1999 ANS Winter Meeting, by Nils J. Diaz, Long Beach, CA |
11/11/1999 |
S-99-036 |
At the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Chief Executive Officer Conference, by Greta Joy Dicus, Atlanta, Georgia |
11/01/1999 |
S-99-035 |
At the International Conference on Geological Repositories, "The Role of the Regulator in Gaining Public Confidence," Remarks of Greta Joy Dicus |
October |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
10/29/1999 |
S-99-034 |
At Swearing-in Ceremony as Chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Remarks of Dr. Richard A. Meserve |
10/28/1999 |
S-99-033 |
At the Combined Federal Campaign Kickoff, NRC Commissioners' Conference Room, Remarks by Greta Joy Dicus, Chairman |
10/26/1999 |
S-99-031 |
Nuclear Regulatory Research in the New Millenium, by Greta Joy Dicus |
10/25/1999 |
S-99-032 |
27th Water Reactor Safety Information Meeting, Statement of Jeffrey S. Merrifield |
10/25/1999 |
S-99-030 |
"A Regulatory Perspective on Radiation Protection: Nuclear Law and Radiation Science-Does this Combination Work?" by Greta Joy Dicus, Chairman |
September |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
09/16/1999 |
S-99-028 |
At ANS/NRC Utility-NRC Interface Workshop, "The Future of Nuclear Power Regulation: the 'Right' Regulation," by Greta Joy Dicus, Chairman |
09/15/1999 |
S-99-027 |
At National Organization of Test, Research, and Training Reactors (TRTR) Annual Conference, by Greta Joy Dicus, Chairman |
09/14/1999 |
S-99-026 |
At Annual Information and Planning Conference Re: Changes, Challenges, and Opportunities in the New Millennium: Opportunities for the Future, Greta Joy Dicus, Chairman |
August |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
08/03/1999 |
S-99-025 |
At the CSIS Press Conference on the CSIS Report on NRC Regulation of Nuclear Power Reactors, Remarks by Edward McGaffigan, Jr. |
08/03/1999 |
S-99-024 |
At Press Conference on Y2K Issues, by Greta Joy Dicus, Chairman |
July |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
07/14/1999 |
S-99-023 |
At the NRC Y2K Training and Tabletop Exercise, Greta Joy Dicus, Chairman |
June |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
06/28/1999 |
S-99-022 |
At Health Physics Society, Greta Joy Dicus |
06/25/1999 |
S-99-021 |
At Howard University, Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman |
06/16/1999 |
S-99-020 |
At the 1999 Annual Awards Ceremony, Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman |
06/15/1999 |
S-99-019 |
At the All Employees Meeting, Rockville, Maryland, Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman |
06/09/1999 |
S-99-016 |
At the American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, Greta Joy Dicus |
06/07/1999 |
S-99-018 |
At the American Nuclear Society, President's Special Session, Boston, Massachusetts, Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman |
06/07/1999 |
S-99-017 |
At the American Nuclear Society Conference, Jeffrey S. Merrifield |
May |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
05/22/1999 |
S-99-015 |
Commencement Address at Hood College, Frederick, Maryland, Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman |
05/20/1999 |
S-99-014 |
At the Nuclear Energy Assembly Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman |
05/16/1999 |
S-99-013 |
Commencement Address at St. Peter's College, Jersey City, New Jersey, Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman |
April |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
04/20/1999 |
S-99-011 |
At the USNRC Senior Management Meeting, Arlington, Texas, Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman |
04/23/1999 |
S-99-012 |
At the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Aiken Branch Annual Freedom Banquet, Aiken, South Carolina, Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman |
04/13/1999 |
S-99-010 |
At the Pingry School, Martinsville, New Jersey, Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman |
March |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
03/29/1999 |
S-99-009 |
At the International Meeting on Nuclear Energy in Medicine and Other Peaceful Applications, Hanoi, Vietnam, Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman |
03/16/1999 |
S-99-008 |
To the American Society for Mechanical Engineers, Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman |
03/05/1999 |
S-99-007 |
At the Regulatory Information Conference, the Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC, Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman |
03/04/1999 |
S-99-006 |
Address to the World Association of Nuclear Operators, Atlanta, Georgia, Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman |
03/04/1999 |
S-99-005 |
At the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conference in Washington, DC, Statement of Jeffrey S. Merrifield |
03/03/1999 |
S-99-004 |
At the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conference in Washington, DC, Greta Joy Dicus |
03/03/1999 |
S-99-003 |
At the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conference in Washington, DC, Nils J. Diaz |
February |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
02/09/1999 |
S-99-002 |
To the OECD/NEA Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities International Workshop on the Impact of the Year 2000 on the Nuclear Industry, Ottawa, Canada, Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman |
02/02/1999 |
S-99-001 |
At the NRC Black History Month 1999 Celebration, Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman |
January |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
There were no speeches for January. |