Escalated Enforcement Actions Issued to Fuel Cycle Facilites - S

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NRC Action Number(s) and
Facility Name
Action Type
(Severity) &
Civil Penalty
(if any)
Shaw AREVA MOX Services, SC
ORDER 11/24/2009 On November 24, 2009, an immediately effective Confirmatory Order was issued to Shaw AREVA MOX Services (MOX Services) to confirm commitments made as a result of an Alternative Dispute Resolution mediation session held on October 8, 2009. This enforcement action is based on an apparent deliberate violation of 10 CFR 70.9, "Completeness and accuracy of information." Specifically, a senior structural engineer directed or allowed a junior engineer to sign the senior structural engineer's signature on travelers, which are used as part of MOX Services process to signify that field drawings match design drawings. MOX Services agreed to take a number of corrective actions, including: (1) periodic quality assurance assessments and surveillances of vendor submittals, including drawings, to ensure design requirements are properly implemented; (2) periodic training for all MOX Services project personnel, including onsite contractors, on the definition of and consequences associated with material false statements, as well as the obligations of the signer of project records; (3) periodic safety conscious work environment surveys through the life of construction. In consideration of these commitments, and additional corrective actions previously taken by MOX Services in response to this issue, the NRC agreed to refrain from issuing a civil penalty or Notice of Violation for this apparent violation.
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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021