Escalated Enforcement Actions Issued to Individuals - K

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Name and
NRC Action Number
NRC Action Type Date Issued Description
Gary Kao
IAORDER 02/23/2011 On February 23, 2011, the NRC issued an Order prohibiting involvement in NRC licensed activities to Dr. Gary Kao in order to provide the NRC with reasonable assurance that the protection of public health and safety will not be compromised until such time that Dr. Kao provides NRC with sufficient information relative to the corrective actions he has taken to address his part in the medical events that occurred at the VA Philadelphia Medical Center from February 2002 through June 2008, and resulting identified violations (EA-09-038).  Specifically, the Order prohibits Dr. Kao’s involvement in any NRC licensed activity until rescinded by the NRC, contingent upon Dr. Kao’s completing specialized training, demonstrating the ability to correctly identify and report medical events, and providing other documentation to the NRC supporting completion of the requirements specified in the Order.  The Order noted that Dr. Kao voluntarily stopped performing brachytherapy treatments and committed to take all necessary and appropriate steps to ensure that he was current on all applicable requirements should he perform brachytherapy treatments in the future.  The Order will be effective 20 days after it is published in the Federal Register.
Dr. Melinda Krahenbuhl
IAORDER 03/16/2020 On March 16, 2020, the NRC issued an Order prohibiting Dr. Melinda Krahenbuhl, Director, Reed College, Reed Research Reactor, from involvement in NRC-licensed activities for a period of 3 years. The Order also suspended Dr. Krahenbuhl's senior reactor operator license for 3 years. Dr. Krahenbuhl deliberately caused her employer, Reed College (Portland, Oregon) to be in violation of 10 CFR Section 50.9(a), "Completeness and accuracy of information," when she willfully provided information to the Commission that was not complete and accurate in all material respects. Dr. Krahenbuhl also caused Reed College to be in violation of Renewed Operating License R-112, License Condition 2.C.(3). Specifically, Dr. Krahenbuhl will be prohibited from any involvement in NRC-licensed activities for a period of 3 years and, thereafter, she will be required to notify the NRC within 20 days following acceptance of her first employment offer involving NRC-licensed activities.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, June 23, 2023