Part 21 Report - 1997-351

ACCESSION #: 9705090133 150 Lincoln Avenue Grove City, PA 16127-1898 Tel 412 458 8000 Fax 412 458 3574 Ajax [Registered copy] Coberra [Registered copy] COOPER Cooper-Bessemer [Registered copy] ENERGY SERVICES Enterprise [Trademark] En-Tronic [Registered copy] Penn Trademark] Superior [Registered copy] May 1, 1997 Our Ref: QCG-10382 Document Control Desk Enterprise U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Report #157 Washington, D.C. 20555 Amendment 1 Dear Sir: In accordance with the requirements of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Title 10, Chapter 1, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, Cooper Energy Services, a division of Cooper Cameron Corporation, hereby notifies the Commission of a re-emphasis of a previously reported potential defect in a component of a DSRV and DSR Enterprise Standby Diesel Generator System. There exists a potential problem with intake and exhaust power valve springs which could result in engine non-availability. Cooper Energy Services has supplied these parts as replacement components to the following sites: UTILITY SITE SERIAL NO. MODEL LILCO Shoreham 74010-12 DSR-48 ENTERGY Grand Gulf 74033-36 DSRV-16-4 GULF STATES River Bend 74039-40 DSR-48 CP&L Shearon Harris 74046-49 DSRV-16-4 DUKE Catawba 75010-13 DSRV-16-4 SO CAL ED San Onofre 75041-42 SDRV-20-4 CLEVELAND ELEC Perry 75051-54 DSRV-16-4 TVA Bellefonte 75080-83 DSRV-16-4 WPPSS WPPSSI 75084-85 DSRV-16-4 TU ELECTRIC Comanche Peak 76001-04 DSRV-16-4 GEORGIA POWER Vogtle 76021-24 DSRV-16-4 TVA Hartsville 77024-35 DSRV-16-4 SMUD Rancho Seco 81015-16 DSR-48 Page 2 QCG-10382 May 1, 1997 The specific springs under discussion are manufactured by Associated Spring in Corry, Pennsylvania. They are installed as a subcomponent of spare cylinder heads (4 springs per cylinder head) or provided as individual spare components by Cooper Energy Services. 10 CFR 21 Report #157 was issued by Cooper Energy Services on June 19, 1991 to describe surface deficiencies found on valve springs in Cooper Energy Services inventory. These deficiencies, characterized by draw marks exceeding the depth allowed by specification, were noted on springs from a 1986 manufacturing lot. There had been no reported failure of valve springs in nuclear or commercial service. Action was taken to inspect all springs in CES inventory, enhance supplier inspection procedures and recommend periodic inspection of all springs in service. During the summer of 1996 a broken valve spring was found at Duke Power's Catawba Station during a routine maintenance inspection. No affect on engine performance had been noted. This spring, recently returned to CES for analysis, was found to be of the same 1986 vintage as those previously described in Report #157. CES has reviewed this failure and believes it to be an isolated case but is issuing Report #1 57 Amendment 1 to inform those affected of this failure and to re-emphasize the recommended corrective action. As previously reported, it is recommended that the subject springs be inspected on a periodic basis, such as during refueling outages. Any springs with a visible draw mark on its I.D. or any physical anomaly of concern should be removed, discarded and replaced. This inspection should be in each plant's mechanical maintenance procedures and should be considered to apply to all valve springs on Enterprise Engines regardless of their original manufacturer. It should also be noted that a correction should be made to the original 10CFR21 Report #157 wording Page 2, Para. 5 read as follows, "The number of operating hours is of concern as the fatigue failure resulting from such an indication should occur within approximately 740 hours (10' operating cycles)." A copy of this letter will be sent to all of the sites referenced in Paragraph 2 of this letter as indicated by the copy list. Our evaluation of this potential problem was completed on March 26, 1997. Sincerely, COOPER CAMERON CORPORATION R. M. Cote Vice President and General Manager Page 3 QCG-10382 May 1, 1997 cc: D. T. Blizzard - CES/GC J. M. Horne - CES/GC R. G. Billig- CES/GC R. L. Nimmo - CES/Alameda File: K5fa41 - Assoc. Spring Intake & Exh. Power Valve Springs Mr. Walter Haass - NRC One White Flint North Mailstop 9D4 Washington, DC 20555 Carolina Power and Light Harris Nuclear Project P. O. Box 165, State Rd. 1134 New Hill, NC 27562 Attn: William Robinson Vice President Carolina Power and Light P. O. Box 1551 Raleigh, NC 27602 Attn: Mgr. Nuclear Licensing Carolina Power and Light Co. Harris Nuclear Project P. O. Box 165, State Rd. 1134 New Hill, NC 27562 Attn: Dept. Manager Carolina Power and Light Co. Robinson Nuclear Project SC Hwy. 151 and 23, Box 790 Hartsville, SC 29550 Attn: Department Manager Cleveland Electric Illuminating Perry Nuclear Power Plant P. O. Box 97 Perry, OH 44081 Attn: Russell J. Tadych Manager, Quality Control Page 4 QCG-10382 May 1, 1997 Cleveland Electric Illuminating Perry Nuclear Power Plant P. O. Box 97 Perry, OH 44081 Attn: Harold M. Coon Cooper-Enterprise Clearinghouse Duke Engineering & Service 230 South Tryon St. P. O. Box 1004 Charlotte, NC 28201-1004 Attn: G. A. Harrison Duke Power Co. Nuclear Generation Dept. P. O. Box 1007 Charlotte, NC 28201-1007 Attn: Mgr., Nuclear Safety Duke Power Co. Nuclear Generation Dept. P. O. Box 1007 Charlotte, NC 28201-1007 Attn: W. T. Robertson V. P. Procurement Entergy P. O. Box 429 Echelon One 1340 Echelon Parkway Jackson, MS 39286-1995 Attn: F. W. Titus Vice President, Engineering Entergy P. O. Box 756 Port Gibson, MS 39150 Attn: C. R. Hutchinson Vice Pres., Operations-GGNS Entergy P. O. Box 756 Port Gibson, MS 39150 Attn: D. L. Pace, Director Design Engineering-GGNS Page 5 QCG-10382 May 1, 1997 Entergy P. O. Box 756 Port Gibson, MS 39150 Attn: M. J. Meisner Director, NS & RA Manager, Quality Services Entergy Operations Box 756 Port Gibson, MS 39150 Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Project P. O. Box 1295 Birmingham, AL 35201 Attn: Mgr., Engineering and Licensing Georgia Power Co. Plant Vogtle P. O. Box 1600 Waynesboro, GA 30830 Attn: Mr. W. B. Shipman General Manager Gulf States Utilities P. O. Box 220 St. Francisville, LA 70775 Attn: L. A. England Director Nuclear Licensing Long Island Power Authority Shoreham Nuclear Power Station North Country Rd. Wading River, NY 11792 Attn: Mgr. Licensing & Regulatory Compliance Department Southern California Edison San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station P. O. Box 128 San Clemente, CA 92672-0128 Attn: Manager, Nuclear Oversite Div. Page 6 QCG-10382 May 1, 1997 Southern California Edison San Onofre Nculear Generating Station P. O. Box 128 San Clemente, CA 92672-0128 Attn: ISEG Supervisor Sacramento Municipal Utility Disrict Rancho Seco Nuclear Power Plant 14440 Twin Cities Road Herald, CA 95638 Attn: Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Tennessee Valley Authority 1101 Market Street, LP 4F Chattanooga, TN 37402 Attn: Operating Experience Manager TU Electric - Production Division Group Vice President - Nuclear Skyway Tower 400 North Olive Street, L.B. 81 Dallas, TX 75201 Attn: C. L. Terry *** END OF DOCUMENT ***

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