Part 21 Report - 1997-401

ACCESSION #: 9705300006 NOTE: This text document was processed from a scanned version or an electronic submittal and has been processed as received. Some tables, figures, strikeouts, redlines, and enclosures may not have been included with this submittal, or have been omitted due to ASCII text conversion limitations. In order to view this document in its entirety, you may wish to use the NUDOCS microfiche in addition to the electronic text. hdc NRC Operations Center U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. Attachment to Siemens Power Corporation 10 CFR Part 21 Report (Fuel Cycle and Event Notification Worksheet) of May 22, 1997 10 CFR 21 Notification of Defect in Critical Heat Flux (CHF) Data Base Range During NRC Engineering Inspection 9990081/97-01, the NRC determined that the CHF data base for the ATRIUM [Trademark] -9 fuel design and other 9x9 fuel designs with internal water channels was not extensive enough to adequately estimate the uncertainties for the additive constants used in SPC's CHF correlation. A statistical treatment of the existing relevant CHF data was developed to estimate the uncertainties beyond the original CHF data ranges. These estimated uncertainties are larger than the original additive constant uncertainties. Revised safety limit calculations with the larger additive constant uncertainties indicate that certain plants may have operated with incorrect safety limits. The affected licensees have been informed of the increase in additive constant uncertainties and of the possibility that previously calculated safety limits may have been impacted by the larger uncertainties. Safety limit calculations for current reactors with ATRIUM [Trademark] -9 fuel design and other 9x9 fuel designs with internal water channels have been performed with the inclusion of projected higher additive constant uncertainties. FUEL CYCLE FACILITY EVENT NUMBER: 32379 FACILITY: SIEMENS POWER CORPORATION NOTIFICATION DATE: 05/22/97 RXTYPE: URANIUM FUEL FABRICATION NOTIFICATION TIME: 17:13 [ET] COMMENTS: LEU CONVERSION (UF6 to UO2) EVENT DATE: 05/22/97 FABRICATION & SCRAP RECOVERY EVENT TIME: 00:00[PDT] COMMERICAL LWR FUEL LAST UPDATE DATE: 05/22/97 CITY: RICHLAND REGION: 4 COUNTY: BENTON STATE: WA NOTIFICATIONS LICENSE#: SNM-1227 AGREEMENT: Y DOCKET: 07001257 NRC NOTIFIED BY: L. MAAS RAMSEY NMSS HQ OPS OFFICER: BOB STRANSKY HODGE NRR EMERGENCY CLASS: NOT APPLICABLE 10 CFR SECTION: CDEG 21.21(c)(3)(i) DEFECTS/NONCOMPLIANCE EVENT TEXT CRITICAL HEAT FLUX DATABASE USED FOR 9x9 FUEL DESIGNS DOES NOT ADEQUATELY ESTIMATE UNCERTAINTIES. THE FOLLOWING IS TEXT OF A FACSIMILE SUBMITTED BY THE VENDOR: "DURING NRC ENGINEERING INSPECTION 9990081/97-01, THE NRC DETERMINED THAT THE CHF [CRITICAL HEAT FLUX] DATA BASE FOR THE ATRIUM-9 (TM) FUEL DESIGN AND OTHER 9x9 FUEL DESIGNS WITH INTERNAL WATER CHANNELS WAS NOT EXTENSIVE ENOUGH TO ADEQUATELY ESTIMATE THE UNCERTAINTIES FOR THE ADDITIVE CONSTANTS USED IN SPC's CHF CORRELATION. A STATISTICAL TREATMENT OF THE EXISTING RELEVANT CHF DATA WAS DEVELOPED TO ESTIMATE THE UNCERTAINTIES BEYOND THE ORIGINAL CHF DATA RANGES. THESE ESTIMATED UNCERTAINTIES ARE LARGER THAN THE ORIGINAL ADDITIVE CONSTANT UNCERTAINTIES. REVISED SAFETY LIMIT CALCULATIONS WITH THE LARGER ADDITIVE CONSTANT UNCERTAINTIES INDICATE THAT CERTAIN PLANTS MAY HAVE OPERATED WITH INCORRECT SAFETY LIMITS. THE AFFECTED LICENSEES HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF THE INCREASE IN ADDITIVE CONSTANT UNCERTAINTIES AND OF THE POSSIBLITY THAT PREVIOUSLY CALCULATED SAFETY LIMITS MAY HAVE BEEN IMPACTED BY THE LARGER UNCERTAINTIES. SAFETY LIMIT CALCULATIONS FOR CURRENT REACTORS WITH ATRIUM-9 FUEL DESIGN AND OTHER 9x9 FUEL DESIGNS WITH INTERNAL WATER CHANNELS HAVE BEEN PERFORMED WITH THE INCLUSION OF PROJECTED HIGHER ADDITIVE CONSTANT UNCERTAINTIES." A LIST OF AFFECTED FACILITIES WAS NOT PROVIDED. THE VENDOR WILL CONTACT NRC REGION IV REGARDING THIS ISSUE. Attachment "NRC FORM 361A U.S.NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION LICENSE NUMBER: SNM-1227 (NRC Docket No. 70-1257) FUEL CYCLE AND MATERIALS EVENT NOTIFICATION WORKSHEET" omitted. *** END OF DOCUMENT ***

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